// Set the path of the music to add. If 0 is returned, the setting is successful. Other values indicate failure to set the path due to reasons such as unsupported audio format.
public int setBGM(String path);
// Set the start and end time (ms) for music playback
public void setBGMStartTime(long startTime, long endTime);
// Set whether to loop the music. true: loop; false: do not loop
public void setBGMLoop(boolean looping);
// Set where to start adding the music
public void setBGMAtVideoTime(long videoStartTime);
// Set the audio volume of the video. The value range of the volume parameter is 0-1. 0 means to mute the video, and 1 means to use the original volume.
public void setVideoVolume(float volume);
// Set the volume of the music. The value range of the volume parameter is 0-1. 0 means to mute the music, and 1 means to use the original volume.
public void setBGMVolume(float volume);
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