tencent cloud


Error Codes

Last updated: 2021-09-16 11:36:19


    Code Corresponding Constant in TXRecordCommon Description
    -1 START_RECORD_ERR_IS_IN_RECORDING There was an uncompleted task when user tried to start shooting.
    -2 START_RECORD_ERR_VIDEO_PATH_IS_EMPTY Empty value for video path when user tried to start shooting.
    -3 START_RECORD_ERR_API_IS_LOWER_THAN_18 API version is below 18.
    -4 START_RECORD_ERR_NOT_INIT Initialization was not finished when user tried to start shooting.
    -5 START_RECORD_ERR_LICENCE_VERIFICATION_FAILED License verification failed.
    -1 RECORD_RESULT_FAILED Shooting failed.


    Code Corresponding Constant in TXVideoEditConstants Description
    -100001 ERR_SOURCE_NO_FOUND Source video file passed in via setVideoPath not found.
    -100002 ERR_SOURCE_DAMAGED Source video file passed in via setVideoPath is damaged.
    -100003 ERR_SOURCE_NO_TRACK Unsupported video format for demuxing (extracting audio/video files of different formats from composed videos).


    SDK Error Codes

    The UGSV SDK listens for publishing-related events through the TXRecordCommon.ITXVideoPublishListener API. Therefore, you can check the publishing status of videos from retCode in TXRecordCommon.TXPublishResult.

    Code Event Definition Description
    0 NO_ERROR Published successfully.
    1001 ERR_UGC_REQUEST_FAILED Uploading request failed.
    1002 ERR_UGC_PARSE_FAILED Parsing request failed.
    1003 ERR_UPLOAD_VIDEO_FAILED Failed to upload video.
    1004 ERR_UPLOAD_COVER_FAILED Failed to upload thumbnail.
    1005 ERR_UGC_FINISH_REQUEST_FAILED Request to finish uploading failed.
    1006 ERR_UGC_FINISH_RESPONSE_FAILED Response error for finishing uploading.
    1007 ERR_USER_CANCEL Publishing canceled by user.
    1007 ERR_CLIENT_BUSY Client is busy (Object cannot handle more requests.)
    1008 ERR_FILE_NOEXIT File to be uploaded does not exist.
    1009 ERR_UGC_PUBLISHING Video is being uploaded.
    1010 ERR_UGC_INVALID_PARAM Incorrect uploading parameters.
    1011 ERR_UGC_INVALID_SECRETID Incorrect secretID for uploading. This error code has been disused and will not be thrown.
    1012 ERR_UGC_INVALID_SIGNATURE Incorrect signature for uploading.
    1013 ERR_UGC_INVALID_VIDOPATH Incorrect video file path.
    1014 ERR_UGC_INVALID_VIDEO_FILE Video file does not exist under current path.
    1015 ERR_UGC_FILE_NAME Video file name is too long or contains special characters.
    1016 ERR_UGC_INVALID_COVER_PATH Incorrect thumbnail path. File does not exist.

    If error codes 1003 and 1004 are returned, troubleshoot the problems according to the error messages (errMsg) returned. To handle COS errors, see Troubleshooting.

    Server Error Codes

    If you are unable to determine the result of video publishing using the SDK error codes, check for the following error codes returned by the server, which can be found in the log.

    Error Code Description
    0 Published successfully.
    -20001 Instant upload successful.
    -20002 Task cancelled.
    -20003 Task paused.
    -20004 File does not exist.
    -20007 Server returned empty packets.
    -20008 Request timeout.
    -20009 Empty value for appid.
    -20010 Empty value for bucket.
    -20011 Empty value for COS remote path.
    -20012 Reserved characters in COS directory.
    -20013 Empty value for dest_fileId.
    -20014 Empty value for bucket_authority.
    -21001 Out of memory.
    -22000 IO exception.
    -25000 Other errors. If you need help handling such errors, contact Tencent Cloud sales at 4009100100 or submit a ticket.
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