tencent cloud


Last updated: 2022-05-24 15:54:21

    Feature Overview

    Video editing includes features such as video clipping, time-based special effects (slow motion, reverse, and loop), special effect filters (dynamic light-wave, darkness and phantom, soul out, and cracked screen), filter styles (aesthetic, rosy, blues, etc.), music mix, animated stickers, static stickers, and bubble subtitles.

    Overview of Relevant Classes

    Class Name
    Gets media information
    Edits video

    Use Instructions

    The following is the basic usage process of video editing:
    1. Set the video path.
    2. Add effects.
    3. Generate a video and output it to a specified file.
    4. Listen on the generation event.


    // Here, `Common/UGC/VideoPreview` in the demo is used as the preview view
    #import "VideoPreview.h"
    @implementation EditViewController
    TXVideoEditer *editor;
    VideoPreview *_videoPreview;
    - (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    _videoPreview = [[VideoPreview alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.bounds];
    [self.view addSubview:_videoPreview];
    // Edit preview parameters
    TXPreviewParam *param = [[TXPreviewParam alloc] init];
    param.videoView = _videoPreview.renderView;
    param.renderMode = PREVIEW_RENDER_MODE_FILL_EDGE;
    // 1. Initialize the editor. If you do not need preview, you can pass in `nil` or directly call the `init` method
    TXVideoEditer *editor = [[TXVideoEditer alloc] initWithPreview:param];
    // Set the source video path
    NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"demo" ofType:@"mp4"]
    [editor setVideoPath: path];
    // Configure the delegation
    editor.generateDelegate = self; // Set the callback delegation object of the generation event, which can be used to get the generation progress and result
    // 2. Process the video. Watermarking is used as an example here
    [editor setWaterMark:[UIImage imageNamed:@"water_mark"]
    // 3. Generate the video. Response to a user click is used as an example here
    - (IBAction)onGenerate:(id)sender {
    NSString *output = [NSTemporaryDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"temp.mp4"];
    [editor generateVideo:VIDEO_COMPRESSED_720P videoOutputPath:output];
    // 4. Get the generation progress
    -(void) onGenerateProgress:(float)progress
    // Get the generation result
    -(void) onGenerateComplete:(TXGenerateResult *)result
    if (result.retCode == 0) {
    // Generated successfully
    } else {
    // Generation failed. For the specific cause, please see `result.descMsg`.

    Getting Video Information

    The getVideoInfo method of TXVideoInfoReader can get certain basic information of a specified video file. The relevant APIs are as detailed below:
    // Get the video file information
    + (TXVideoInfo *)getVideoInfo:(NSString *)videoPath;
    /** Get the video file information
    * @param videoAsset Video file attributes
    * @return Video information
    + (TXVideoInfo *)getVideoInfoWithAsset:(AVAsset *)videoAsset;
    The returned TXVideoInfo is defined as follows:
    /// Video information
    @interface TXVideoInfo : NSObject
    /// Image of the first video frame
    @property (nonatomic, strong) UIImage* coverImage;
    /// Video duration in seconds
    @property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat duration;
    /// Video size in bytes
    @property (nonatomic, assign) unsigned long long fileSize;
    /// Video frame rate in fps
    @property (nonatomic, assign) float fps;
    /// Video bitrate in Kbps
    @property (nonatomic, assign) int bitrate;
    /// Audio sample rate
    @property (nonatomic, assign) int audioSampleRate;
    /// Video width
    @property (nonatomic, assign) int width;
    /// Video height
    @property (nonatomic, assign) int height;
    /// Video image rotation angle
    @property (nonatomic, assign) int angle;

    Getting Thumbnail

    The thumbnail APIs are mainly used to generate the preview thumbnails displayed on the video editing page, get the video cover, and perform other relevant operations.

    1. Get the thumbnails evenly distributed along the video duration by number

    getSampleImages of TXVideoInfoReader can get the specified number of thumbnails at the same time intervals:
    /** Get the list of thumbnails of the video
    * @param count Number of the thumbnails to be obtained (at even sampling intervals)
    * @param maxSize Maximum thumbnail dimensions. The dimensions of the generated thumbnails will not exceed the specified width and height.
    * @param videoAsset Video file attributes
    * @param sampleProcess Sampling progress
    + (void)getSampleImages:(int)count
    videoAsset:(AVAsset *)videoAsset
    VideoRangeSlider in the SDK uses getSampleImages to get 10 thumbnails so as to construct a progress bar consisting of video preview images.

    2. Get thumbnails according to the list of points in time

    * Get the thumbnails according to the list of points in time
    * @param asset Video file object
    * @param times List of points in time for getting thumbnails
    * @param maxSize Thumbnail dimensions
    + (UIImage *)getSampleImagesFromAsset:(AVAsset *)asset
    times:(NSArray<NSNumber*> *)times

    Editing and Previewing

    Video editing supports two effect preview modes: pinpoint preview (the video image is frozen at a specified point in time) and range preview (a video segment within a specified time range (A–B) is looped). To use a preview mode, you need to bind a UIView to the SDK in order to display the video image.

    1. Bind UIView

    The initWithPreview function of TXVideoEditer is used to bind a UIView to the SDK for video image rendering. You can set whether to use the fit or fill mode by controlling renderMode of TXPreviewParam.
    PREVIEW_RENDER_MODE_FILL_SCREEN - Fill mode, where the video image will cover the entire screen with no black bars present, but the video image may be cropped.
    PREVIEW_RENDER_MODE_FILL_EDGE - Fit mode, where the video image will be complete but black bars will exist if the aspect ratio of the video is different from that of the screen.

    2. Use pinpoint preview

    The previewAtTime function of TXVideoEditer is used to preview the video image at a specified point in time.
    /** Render the video image at a specified point in time
    * @param time Preview frame time in seconds
    - (void)previewAtTime:(CGFloat)time;

    3. Use range preview

    The startPlayFromTime function of TXVideoEditer is used to loop a video segment within the time range of A–B.
    /** Play back a video segment within a time range
    * @param startTime Playback start time in seconds
    * @param endTime Playback end time in seconds
    - (void)startPlayFromTime:(CGFloat)startTime

    4. Pause and resume preview

    /// Pause the video
    - (void)pausePlay;
    /// Resume the video
    - (void)resumePlay;
    /// Stop the video
    - (void)stopPlay;

    5. Add a beauty filter

    You can add filter effects such as skin brightening, romantic, and fresh to the video. The demo provides multiple filters (with resources in Common/Resource/Filter/FilterResource.bundle) for your choice, and you can also set custom filters.You can set a filter as follows:
    - (void) setFilter:(UIImage *)image;
    Here, image is the filter mapping image. If image is set to null, the filter effect will be removed.
    TXVideoEditer *_ugcEdit;
    NSString * path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"FilterResource" ofType:@"bundle"];
    path = [path stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"langman.png"];
    UIImage* image = [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:path];
    [_ugcEdit setFilter:image];

    6. Set a watermark

    1. Set a global watermark

    You can set a watermark image for the video and specify the image position.
    You can set a watermark as follows:
    - (void) setWaterMark:(UIImage *)waterMark normalizationFrame:(CGRect)normalizationFrame;
    Here, waterMark indicates the watermark image, and normalizationFrame is a normalized frame value relative to the video image. The values of x, y, width, and height in frame all range from 0 to 1.
    UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"watermark"];
    [_ugcEdit setWaterMark:image normalizationFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 0.3 , 0.3 * image.size.height / image.size.width)];// The watermark width is 30% of the video width, and the height is proportionally scaled according to the width

    2. Set a post-roll watermark

    You can set a post-roll watermark for the video and specify the watermark position.
    You can set a post-roll watermark as follows:
    - (void) setTailWaterMark:(UIImage *)tailWaterMark normalizationFrame:(CGRect)normalizationFrame
    Here, tailWaterMark indicates the post-roll watermark image, and normalizationFrame is a normalized frame relative to the video image. The values of x, y, width, and height in frame all range from 0 to 1. duration indicates the watermark duration in seconds. Demo: set a post-roll watermark that can be displayed for 1 second in the middle of the video image
    UIImage *tailWaterimage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"tcloud_logo"];
    float w = 0.15;
    float x = (1.0 - w) / 2.0;
    float width = w * videoMsg.width;
    float height = width * tailWaterimage.size.height / tailWaterimage.size.width;
    float y = (videoMsg.height - height) / 2 / videoMsg.height;
    [_ugcEdit setTailWaterMark:tailWaterimage normalizationFrame:CGRectMake(x,y,w,0) duration:1];

    Compressing and Clipping

    Setting video bitrate

    * Set the video bitrate
    * @param bitrate Video bitrate in Kbps
    * If the bitrate is set, it will be selected preferably when the SDK compresses videos. Please set an appropriate bitrate. If it is too low, the video image will be blurry; if it is too high, the video size will be too large
    * We recommend you set it to a value between 600 and 12000. If this API is not called, the SDK will automatically calculate the bitrate based on the compression quality
    - (void) setVideoBitrate:(int)bitrate;

    Clipping video

    Video editing operations all follow the same principle: set the operation commands first and use generateVideo to run all commands in sequence, which can prevent unnecessary quality loss caused by multiple compression operations on the same video.
    TXVideoEditer* _ugcEdit = [[TXVideoEditer alloc] initWithPreview:param];
    // Set the clipping start and end time
    [_ugcEdit setCutFromTime:_videoRangeSlider.leftPos toTime:_videoRangeSlider.rightPos];
    // ...
    // Generate the final video file
    _ugcEdit.generateDelegate = self;
    [_ugcEdit generateVideo:VIDEO_COMPRESSED_540P videoOutputPath:_videoOutputPath];
    Specify the file compression quality and output path during output, and the output progress and result will be returned as a callback through generateDelegate.

    Advanced Features

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