Video upload from client refers to uploading local videos to the VOD platform by an end user of the application. For more information, please see Guide. This document describes how to generate a signature for upload from client.
The overall process for upload from client is as follows:
To support upload from client, you need to build two backend services: signature distribution service and event notification receipt service.
At this point, the entire video upload and processing flow ends.
For more information on the signature for upload from client, please see Signature for Upload from Client.
* Calculate a signature
function createFileUploadSignature({ timeStamp = 86400, procedure = '', classId = 0, oneTimeValid = 0, sourceContext = '' }) {
// Determine the current time and expiration time of the signature
let current = parseInt((new Date()).getTime() / 1000)
let expired = current + timeStamp; // Signature validity period: 1 day
// Enter the parameters into the parameter list
let arg_list = {
secretId: this.conf.SecretId,
currentTimeStamp: current,
expireTime: expired,
random: Math.round(Math.random() * Math.pow(2, 32)),
// Calculate the signature
let orignal = querystring.stringify(arg_list);
let orignal_buffer = new Buffer(orignal, "utf8");
let hmac = crypto.createHmac("sha1", this.conf.SecretKey);
let hmac_buffer = hmac.update(orignal_buffer).digest();
let signature = Buffer.concat([hmac_buffer, orignal_buffer]).toString("base64");
return signature;
* Respond to a signature request
function getUploadSignature(req, res) {
code: 0,
message: 'ok',
data: {
signature: gVodHelper.createFileUploadSignature({})
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