tencent cloud


Billing Overview

Last updated: 2024-05-10 15:44:38

    Billing Mode

    TencentDB for SQL Server offers the following billing mode:
    Billing Mode
    Payment Mode
    Use Case
    Monthly subscription
    Prepaid Billing refers to paying the fees at the time of creating a new instance.
    It is suitable for long-term needs with relatively stable business volume. The cost is more moderate compared to the pay-as-you-go billing. The longer the purchase duration, the greater the discount.
    In this postpaid billing mode, you can apply for resources for on-demand use and will be charged based on the actual usage at the billing time.
    It is suitable for instantaneously fluctuating businesses. In this mode, instances can be released immediately after the use to save costs.

    Instance Pricing

    Billing formula

    Total fees = instance specification fees + storage space fees + backup space fees

    Billable items

    Billable Item
    Instance specification fees
    The instance specification selected on the purchase page is pay-as-you-go.
    For primary instance specification pricing, see the Product Pricing.
    For read-only instance specification pricing, see the Read-Only Instance Pricing.
    Storage space fees
    The disk capacity selected on the purchase page is pay-as-you-go.
    For primary instance storage pricing, see the Product Pricing.
    For read-only instance storage pricing, see the Read-Only Instance Pricing.
    Backup space fees
    The backup space is used to store the backup files of all TencentDB for SQL Server instances in a region, including automatic data backups, manual data backups, and log backups.
    For local backup pricing, see the Backup Space Billing.
    For the storage and traffic fees incurred by cross-region backup, see the Cross-Region Backup Billing.
    TencentDB for SQL Server provides you with a free tier of backup space for each region, which equals to the sum of the storage space of all your primary single-node (formerly Basic Edition) and two-node (formerly High Availability/Cluster Edition) instances in the region. This free tier is not applicable to cross-region backup files, which all incur fees. Billing for excess backup space beyond the free tier started at 00:00 on July 10, 2022.
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