tencent cloud



Last updated: 2024-12-06 17:45:19
Source/Target Type
1. Source Type:
Self-built Databases (IDC self-built, CVM self-built) SQL Server 2008R2, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2022.
CDB (Same account, Cross-account) SQL Server 2008R2, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2022.
2. Target Type:
CDB (Same account, Cross-account) SQL Server 2008R2, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2022.
3. DTS migration is not supported in network shared storage disk environments.
Cross-region Migration
Currently, cross-region migration is supported in the Chinese Mainland and Hong Kong (China) regions. Other regions do not support cross-region migration.
Migration Object
1. Only database-level migration is supported, that is, all objects in the database must be migrated together. Single-table migration is not supported.
2. Supports the migration of basic database and table objects, but does not support instance-level jobs, triggers, DB links (link servers), or user permissions.These objects need to be recreated after migration is complete..
Source Database Impact
During full data migration, DTS consumes certain source instance resources, which may increase the load and pressure of the source database. If your database configuration is low, we recommend you perform the migration during off-peak hours.
Target Database Impact
Following the migration, the database environment undergoes changes, and the new target database lacks caching and statistical information. This may result in database index invalidation and a decline in SQL performance. If such circumstances arise, it is suggested the indexes be rebuilt.
Supported SQL
1. DDL
2. DML
Limits on operations
1. Only one migration task can be initiated at any time for the same source instance.
2. Do not modify or delete user information (including username, password, and permissions) in the source and target databases and port numbers during migration; otherwise, the migration task will fail.
3. Do not perform transaction log backup during incremental sync; otherwise, the transaction log will be truncated and become discontinuous.
4. If you only perform full data migration, do not write new data into the source database during migration; otherwise, the data in the source and target databases will be inconsistent. In scenarios with data writes, to ensure the data consistency in real time, we recommend that you select full + incremental data migration.
5. For full + incremental data migration, when the status is completed after clicking, do not write new data into the source database. We recommend stopping data writes for two minutes after clicking complete; otherwise, the data in the source and target databases may be inconsistent.
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