Parameter | Description |
Account Name | The account name can contain 1–50 characters, including letters, digits, and underscores (_), and should start with a letter. It should not contain any of the following reserved keywords: master , mssql , monitor , sys , dbo , dba , sysadmin , tencent_admin , public , securityadmin , serveradmin , setupadmin , processadmin , diskadmin , dbcreator , bulkadmin , administrator (case insensitive) , and guest (case insensitive) .It should also not contain any of the following sensitive characters: . | ## | ( ) | [ ] | , | ``` | ; | ' | " | \\ | -- | xp_cmdshell | sp_addsrvrolemember . |
Account Type | Select permissions of the account to be created based on the instance architecture. Dual Node Privileged account: An instance can have only one privileged account. Standard account. Designated account. Single Node Admin account: An instance can have only one admin account. Privileged account: An instance can have only one privileged account. Standard account. Designated account. |
Database | Optional. You can set account permissions (read-write, read-only, or owner) for databases when creating an account, modifying permissions, or creating a database. Privileged accounts have owner permissions for all databases by default. When selecting databases for standard accounts and designated accounts, you can click Unauthorized Database to select all databases in one click, and then set permissions for each one under Authorized Database on the right side. |
New Password | The password should contain 8–32 characters, including at least two of the following types: letters, digits, and symbols _+-&=!@#$%^*()[]. |
Confirm Password | Enter the password again. |
Remarks | Optional. It can contain up to 256 characters. |
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