tencent cloud


Creating Account

Last updated: 2024-01-18 17:20:33


    TencentDB for SQL Server supports creating and deleting accounts and modifying account permissions on the Manage Account page in the console. Such operations cannot be performed in Microsoft SQL Server Management.
    The created account name and password will be used when connecting to TencentDB for SQL Server. Please store them properly.


    1. Log in to the TencentDB for SQL Server console and click an instance ID or Manage in the Operation column to enter the instance management page.
    2. On the instance management page, select Manage Account > Create Account and enter relevant information in the pop-up window. After confirming that everything is correct, click OK.
    Account Name: it is required, can contain 1–50 letters, digits, or underscores, and must start with a letter.
    Admin: it is optional. Each TencentDB for SQL Server instance can have one admin account, which has read/write permissions to all databases by default. A newly added database will be automatically authorized for the admin account with no manual authorization required.
    There are three types of account permissions in TencentDB for SQL Server:
    Admin: by default, it has read/write permissions to all databases. Only one admin account can be set for one instance.
    Read/Write: it has read/write permissions to authorized databases and can perform database changes.
    Read-only: it has read-only permission to only authorized databases and cannot perform changes.
    Database: it is optional. You can set the permissions (read/Write or read-only) that the account has to the database when creating an account. You can also grant permissions when modifying permissions or creating databases.
    Password: it is required and should be a combination of 8–32 characters comprised of at least two of the following types: letters, digits, and special symbols (_+-&=!@#$%^*()[]).
    Account Remarks: it is optional and can contain up to 256 characters.
    3. After the account is created, you can perform operations such as Remove Admin, Modify Permissions, Reset Password, and Delete Account in the account list.
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