Connecting to a TencentDB for SQL Server Instance from a Windows CVM Instance
Scenario 1
The CVM and TencentDB for SQL Server instances are in the same VPC or classic network in the same region under the same Tencent Cloud root account.
Example: Under account 1, the CVM instance is in subnet A in VPC 1 in Guangzhou region, and the TencentDB for SQL Server instance is in subnet B in VPC 1 in Guangzhou region.
Connection method: Connect them over the private network.
Scenario 2
The CVM and TencentDB for SQL Server instances are in different VPCs in the same region under the same Tencent Cloud root account.
Example: Under account 1, the CVM instance is in subnet A in VPC 1 in Guangzhou region, and the TencentDB for SQL Server instance is in subnet B in VPC 2 in Guangzhou region.
Connection method: We recommend that you connect them through CCN. Scenario 3
The CVM and TencentDB for SQL Server instances are in different regions under the same Tencent Cloud root account.
Example: Under account 1, the CVM instance is in subnet A in VPC 1 in Guangzhou region, and the TencentDB for SQL Server instance is in subnet B in VPC 2 in Beijing region.
Connection method: We recommend that you connect them through CCN. Scenario 4
The CVM and TencentDB for SQL Server instances are under different Tencent Cloud root accounts.
Example: The CVM instance is in subnet A in VPC 1 in Guangzhou region under account 1, and the TencentDB for SQL Server instance is in subnet B in VPC 2 in Beijing region under account 2.
Connection method: We recommend that you connect them through CCN. Connecting to a TencentDB for SQL Server Instance from a Local Windows System
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