tencent cloud


Product Specifications

Last updated: 2024-10-10 11:00:39
    This document describes the specifications of replica set and sharded cluster instances supported by TencentDB for MongoDB to help you choose a specification suitable for your business.

    Replica Set

    Replica quantity

    Primary and secondary nodes: A one-primary-two-secondary architecture with three storage nodes is adopted by default. You can select five (one-primary-four-secondary) or seven (one-primary-six-secondary) nodes. Currently, you cannot customize the number of replicas.
    Read-only nodes: You can configure 0–5 secondary nodes as read-only nodes.

    Mongod specification

    General Edition

    The maximum number of connections for a 3-node replica set instance refers to the standard maximum connections for each specification. The single-node connection limit is the maximum limit that can be increased to.
    CPU per Node
    Memory per Node (GB)
    Disk Capacity per Node (GB)
    Maximum Connections to Three Nodes
    Single-Node Connection Limit
    (The actual limit does not exceed the maximum connections for the instance.)
    2 cores
    4 GB
    Default: 250 GB; range: [100,500]
    4 cores
    8 GB
    Default: 500 GB; range: [150,1000]
    6 cores
    16 GB
    Default: 750 GB; range: [250,1500]
    12 cores
    32 GB
    Default: 1500 GB; range: [500,6000]
    24 cores
    64 GB
    Default: 2500 GB; range: [800,5000]
    24 cores
    128 GB
    Default: 3000 GB; range: [1500,5000]
    32 cores
    240 GB
    Default: 4000 GB; range: [1500,6000]
    48 cores
    512 GB
    Default: 4000 GB; range: [1500,6000]

    Cloud Edition

    CPU per Node
    Memory per Node (GB)
    Disk Capacity per Node (GB)
    Maximum Connections for a 3-node Instance
    Single-Node Connection Limit (The actual limit does not exceed the maximum connections for the instance.)
    2 cores
    4 GB
    Default: 250 GB; range: [10,6000]
    4 cores
    8 GB
    Default: 500 GB; range: [10,6000]
    6 cores
    16 GB
    Default: 750 GB; range: [10,6000]
    12 cores
    32 GB
    Default: 1500 GB; range: [10,6000]
    24 cores
    64 GB
    Default: 2500 GB; range: [10,6000]
    24 cores
    128 GB
    Default: 3000 GB; range: [10,6000]

    Sharded Cluster

    Mongod specification

    General Edition

    CPU per Node
    Memory per Shard (GB)
    Disk Capacity per Shard (GB)
    2 cores
    4 GB
    Default: 250 GB; range: [100,500]
    4 cores
    8 GB
    Default: 500 GB; range: [150,1000]
    6 cores
    16 GB
    Default: 750 GB; range: [250,1500]
    12 cores
    32 GB
    Default: 1500 GB; range: [500,6000]
    24 cores
    64 GB
    Default: 2500 GB; range: [800,5000]
    24 cores
    128 GB
    Default: 3000 GB; range: [1500,5000]
    32 cores
    240 GB
    Default: 4000 GB; range: [1500,6000]
    48 cores
    512 GB
    Default: 4000 GB; range: [1500,6000]

    Cloud Edition

    CPU per Node
    Memory per Node (GB)
    Disk Capacity per Node (GB)
    2 cores
    4 GB
    Default: 250 GB; range: [10,6000]
    4 cores
    8 GB
    Default: 500 GB; range: [10,6000]
    6 cores
    16 GB
    Default: 750 GB; range: [10,6000]
    24 cores
    128 GB
    Default: 3000 GB; range: [100,6000]

    Mongod shard quantity

    Value range of the number of shards: [2,36].

    Node quantity per mongod shard

    Primary and secondary nodes: A one-primary-two-secondary architecture with three storage nodes is adopted by default. You can select five (one-primary-four-secondary) or seven (one-primary-six-secondary) nodes. Currently, you cannot customize the number of replicas.
    Read-only nodes: You can configure 0–5 secondary nodes as read-only nodes.

    Mongos specification

    A single-AZ deployed instance can contain 3–32 nodes.
    A multi-AZ deployed instance can contain 6–32 instances.
    Mongos Specification
    Maximum Connections per Mongos Node
    1-core 2 GB MEM
    2-core 4 GB MEM
    4-core 8 GB MEM
    8-core 16 GB MEM
    16-core 32 GB MEM

    configServer specification

    The default configServer specification is 1-core 2 GB with 20 GB storage and three replicas, which cannot be modified.

    User Name for Instance Connection

    TencentDB for MongoDB comes with a default user: "mongouser". It supports the SCRAM-SHA-1 authentication mechanism, and its role is readWriteAnyDatabase+dbAdmin. You can use it to read and write any database, but are not permitted to perform high-risk operations.
    TencentDB for MongoDB v3.2 supports another default user: "rwuser". It uses the MONGODB-CR authentication mechanism which, however, has been no longer supported by MongoDB. We recommend that you use the "mongouser" to connect to your instance.
    You can also manage your account and permissions as needed in the TencentDB for MongoDB console.

    Avoiding Filling Up Disk

    If the disk usage of an instance has reached 100%, you cannot write to it. You need to adjust the instance specification in time or contact us for assistance. For more information, see Adjusting Instance Specification.
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