tencent cloud


Configuring Event Alarms

Last updated: 2024-05-07 12:37:13


    TencentDB for MongoDB has been integrated with Tencent Cloud Observability Platform, supporting the reporting of Tencent Cloud Observability Platform events. All Tencent Cloud Observability Platform events will be automatically delivered to Tencent Cloud's EventBridge in the Cloud Service Event Bus. Tencent Cloud Event Bridge (EventBridge) is a secure, stable, and efficient serverless event management platform. An event is a data record of a status change. Releasing an event from the event source to EventBridge needs to comply with CloudEvents specifications. For more information about the specifications, see CloudEvents 1.0.

    Event Target

    An event rule can have multiple event targets. Before creating an event rule, first plan the event target types. Event Bridge currently supports the following event targets:
    Message Push (only supports rules in the cloud service event bus)
    CLS Log

    TencentDB for MongoDB Event

    Event Chinese Name
    Event English Name
    Event Type
    Subordinate Dimension
    Recovery Concept Availability
    Event Description
    Solution and Suggestion
    Insufficient Backup Oplog
    Exception event
    Instance dimension
    During the backup process of TencentDB for MongoDB, it is impossible to read the complete oplog from the last backup to the current backup, which will affect your ability to rollback the database to any point within 7 days.
    It is recommended to adjust the capacity size of the TencentDB for MongoDB oplog or the frequency of backups in the MongoDB console. For specific operations, see Adjust Oplog Storage Capacity.
    Number of Connections Exceeding Limit
    Exception event
    Instance dimension
    Number of instance connections exceeds the maximum limit.
    Increase the maximum number of connections or restart the instance. For specific operations, see Solutions for Exceeded Connection Limit.
    For database performance optimization, see Analysis and Resolution Methods for Abnormal High Connection Usage.
    Primary-Replica Switch
    Exception event
    Instance dimension
    Instance primary node is abnormal, and switching with the secondary node occurs. This event may be triggered in case of physical server failure.
    Confirm whether the instance status is normal.
    Disk Space About to Run out
    Exception event
    Instance dimension
    The disk space is about to be filled, which may cause the instance to become read-only.
    Clean up disk space. For specific operations, see Solutions for High Disk Space Usage.
    Instance Rollback
    Exception event
    Instance dimension
    Instance data rollback. When some data on the primary node has not been timely synchronized to the secondary node, failure of the primary node concurrency leads to primary-replica switch, which may trigger this event.
    Confirm whether the instance status is normal.
    Node CPU Exception
    Exception event
    Instance dimension
    If any node in the cluster reaches 80% CPU usage, an alarm is immediately triggered.
    For specific operations, see Solutions for High CPU Usage.

    Billing Overview

    Tencent Cloud offers EventBridge as a pay-as-you-go service. For more information, see EventBridge > Product Pricing.
    Payment Method
    Settlement is based on the number of events actually delivered to the event bus, calculated hourly.
    Billing Unit
    CNY/Million Events
    Usage Scenario
    For applications with low or high fluctuating message volumes, it can effectively avoid resource waste.


    1. Log in to the EventBridge console. In the left sidebar, choose Event Rule.
    2. At the top of the page on the right, under the Region, select Guangzhou, then select Event Set from the dropdown list and select default .
    The cloud service event bus collects Monitor and Audit events generated by Tencent Cloud services across all regions. It is created by default in Guangzhou and cannot be deleted.
    In the left sidebar, choose Event Set. In the Event Set list, click Default to view the default event bus which already includes TencentDB for MongoDB. For specific operations, see Tencent Cloud Service Event Source.
    3. On the Event Rule page, click Create. On the Event Pattern navigation page, configure the page parameters according to the parameter explanations shown in the following table.
    Interface Area
    Interface Parameter
    Parameter Explanation
    Basic Information
    The region where the event rule is created.
    Event Bus
    Information about the event bus to which the event rule belongs.
    Rule Name
    Set the name of the event rule. It can only contain letters, numbers, underscores, hyphens, must start with a letter, and end with a number or letter, between 2 and 60 characters.
    Rule Description
    A brief description of the event rule.
    Set the tag key and value for the event.
    Data Conversion
    Check if data conversion is needed.
    Event Example
    Event Example Selection
    In the dropdown list, you can search for MongoDB and view the relevant examples of MongoDB events.
    Event Matching
    Writing Pattern
    Form Pattern: This pattern allows you to select cloud service type and event type, providing event matching rules.
    Custom Event: Define event matching rules in the input box below. For rule writing instructions, click Rule Writing Guidelines.
    Cloud Service Type
    When Writing Pattern is set to Form Pattern, this parameter is shown. In the dropdown list, select TencentDB for MongoDB.
    Event Type
    When Writing Pattern is set to Form Pattern, this parameter is displayed. In the dropdown list, select the supported event types.
    Event Matching Rule Preview
    Preview the generated event matching rules.
    4. click Test Matching Rules to test the defined event matching rules. After passing the test, click Next. If the test fails, correct it according to the prompt information.
    5. (Optional) If you need to convert the data format, the Event Transformation page is displayed as shown in the following figure. Configure the format and fields for data transformation according to the parameter explanations in the table below.
    Data conversion offers a simple data processing feature. By the input data and configured items, it can carry out data formatting, return the processed structured data, distribute to downstream targets, and create a bridge between data sources and data processing systems.
    Interface Area
    Interface Parameter
    Parameter Explanation
    Create New Data Conversion
    Event Pattern Preview
    By selecting Sample Event, you can use the event template;
    By selecting Manually Input, you can define the event fields in the input box below.
    Event Template
    For Event Pattern Preview, select Sample Event to display the parameter. In the dropdown list, you can search for MongoDB and select a template for MongoDB events. In the input box below, the specific field information of the event template will be displayed.
    Conversion Target
    Complete Event: Routes the complete structure of event fields to the event target.
    Partial Event: Event Bridge uses JSONPath configuration to extract event fields and routes the specified event fields to the event target.
    When you select partial events for the conversion target, this parameter is displayed. Enter the event fields you wish to convert in the input box.
    Parsing Mode
    Select a parsing mode. Supports JSON, separators, and regular expression extraction.
    Parsing Result
    Click Confirm after the parsing mode to start parsing data, converting event rules into a Key-Value format.
    Configure the filter to only output data that meets the filter rules.
    Data Processing
    For the current parsed data, select the data type in the TYPE column.
    Test Results
    Click Testing to perform a validity check and output the final conversion result.
    Failure Information Handling
    Dead Letter Queue
    Configure whether to deliver messages that fail to be processed properly to CKafka's dead letter queue.
    Delivery Type
    The delivery type for failed messages is set to CKafka.
    CKafka Instance
    Select the instance ID of the CKafka instance to which failed messages will be delivered.
    CKafka Topic
    Choose the topic within the selected CKafka instance to which failed messages will be delivered. CKafka uses the concept of topics externally. Producers write messages to a topic, and consumers read them from it.
    6. Click Confirm after the parsing mode to begin data parsing. Wait until the completion of data parsing. Set filter rules and data processing methods. For specific operations, see Configuring Data Conversion.
    7. Click Next to select the event target bound to this rule. You can deliver the collected events to the specified delivery target for completing processing and consuming. The following figure takes the Trigger Method as Message Push as an example. To configure event alarm push, see Configuring Push Target.
    8. To immediately activate the event rule, check Enable Event Rule Immediately, and click Complete.

    Event Rule Related Interface

    Interface Name
    Interface Feature
    Validation Rules
    Create Event Rule
    Delete Event Rule
    Retrieve Event Rule Details
    Retrieve Event Rule List
    Update Event Rules
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