tencent cloud


Using Multi-Language SDKs to Connect to Database by SSL Authentication

Last updated: 2024-01-15 14:40:06


    Keytool is a native key and certificate management tool in Java, which is convenient for you to manage your public/private keys and certificates for authentication services. Keytool stores keys and certificates in keystore.
    Converting certificate format with keytool:
    keytool -importcert -trustcacerts -file <certificate file> -keystore <trust store> -storepass <password>
    -file <certificate file>: SSL certificate or TLS certificate file MongoDB-CA.crt
    -keystore <trust store>: Specified keystore name
    -storepass <password> : Specified keystore password.
    To set the keystore of JVM system property, you need to change the value of trustStore and password as required to refer to correct keystore. You also need to replace the URI combination with the user password information that is used to access the database.
    System.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.trustStore", trustStore);
    System.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword", password);
    import com.mongodb.MongoClientURI;
    import com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions;
    String uri = "mongodb://mongouser:password@10.x.x.1:27017/admin";
    MongoClientOptions opt = MongoClientOptions.builder().sslEnabled(true).sslInvalidHostNameAllowed(true).build();
    MongoClient client = new MongoClient(uri, options);


    The following is a code example of using GO language to connect to database by SSL authentication. You need to replace the path of the certificate file MongoDB-CA.crt, the account and password, IP information and port information concatenated in the URI as needed.
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    ca, err := ioutil.ReadFile("MongoDB-CA.crt")
    if err != nil {
    pool := x509.NewCertPool()
    ok := pool.AppendCertsFromPEM([]byte(ca))
    if !ok {
    tlsConfig := &tls.Config{
    RootCAs: pool,
    InsecureSkipVerify: true,
    uri := "mongodb://mongouser:password@10.x.x.1:27017/admin?ssl=true"
    clientOpt := options.Client().ApplyURI(uri)
    client, err := mongo.Connect(context.TODO(), clientOpt)
    if err != nil {


    The following is a code example of using Python language to connect database by SSL authentication. You need to replace the path of the certificate file MongoDB-CA.crt, the account and password, IP information and port information concatenated in the URI as needed.
    from pymongo import MongoClient
    uri = "mongodb://mongouser:password@10.x.x.1:27017/admin"
    client = MongoClient(uri,
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