tencent cloud


PHP Connection Sample

Last updated: 2024-01-15 14:49:56


    TencentDB for MongoDB provides two usernames rwuser and mongouser by default to support the MONGODB-CR and SCRAM-SHA-1 authentication methods, respectively. The connecting URIs for the two authentication methods are formed differently. For more information, please see Connecting to TencentDB for MongoDB Instance.
    For PHP, there is a driver that can be used to connect to and manipulate a MongoDB database, namely, MongoDB driver. The MongoDB driver is officially recommended by MongoDB, but it requires PHP 5.4 or above.
    The following shows you how to connect to TencentDB for MongoDB and read/write data by using the aforementioned driver.

    Using MongoDB driver

    For more information on how to install the MongoDB driver, please see Installation. The MongoDB driver can use both the MONGODB-CR and SCRAM-SHA-1 authentication methods. For more information, please see Connection Sample.
    Sample code:
    // Splice the connection URI
    $uri = 'mongodb://mongouser:thepasswordA1@';
    $manager = new MongoDB\\Driver\\Manager($uri);
    // Prepare to write data
    $document1 = [
    'username' => 'lily',
    'age' => 34,
    'email' => 'lily@qq.com'
    // Preprocess the data with the driver. Here, you can see that `_id` of MongoDB is generated by the driver
    $bulk = new MongoDB\\Driver\\BulkWrite;
    $_id1 = $bulk->insert($document1);
    $result = $manager->executeBulkWrite('tsdb.table1', $bulk);
    // You can also use the following code as needed to ensure that data is written to a majority of nodes
    // $writeConcern = new MongoDB\\Driver\\WriteConcern(MongoDB\\Driver\\WriteConcern::MAJORITY, 1000);
    // $result = $manager->executeBulkWrite('testdb.testcollection', $bulk, $writeConcern);
    // Query
    $filter = ['_id' => $_id1];
    $query = new MongoDB\\Driver\\Query($filter);
    $rows = $manager->executeQuery('tsdb.table1', $query); // You can also select to read a secondary database first
    foreach($rows as $r){
    stdClass Object
    [_id] => MongoDB\\BSON\\ObjectID Object
    [oid] => 582c001618c90a16363abc31
    [username] => lily
    [age] => 34
    [email] => lily@qq.com

    Using PHPLIB library (encapsulated based on MongoDB driver)

    We recommend you use PHPLIB with the MongoDB driver. For more information, please see CRUD Operations. For more information on how to install PHPLIB, please see Install the MongoDB PHP Library. Please note that PHPLIB depends on the MongoDB driver.
    Sample code:
    require_once __DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php";
    // Initialize
    $mongoClient = new MongoDB\\Client('mongodb://mongouser:thepasswordA1@');
    // Use the `users` collection under the `demo` library
    $collection = $mongoClient->demo->users;
    // Write a data entry
    $insertOneResult = $collection->insertOne(['name' => 'gomez']);
    printf("Inserted %d document(s)\\n", $insertOneResult->getInsertedCount());
    // Query data
    $document = $collection->findOne(['name' => 'gomez']);
    Inserted 1 document(s)
    object(MongoDB\\BSON\\ObjectID)#11 (1) {
    string(24) "57e3bf20bf605714a53e69c1"
    object(MongoDB\\Model\\BSONDocument)#16 (1) {
    array(2) {
    object(MongoDB\\BSON\\ObjectID)#14 (1) {
    string(24) "57e3bf20bf605714a53e69c1"
    string(5) "gomez"
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