tencent cloud


Subscription Management

Last updated: 2024-06-28 11:31:37


    In the TDMQ for Apache Pulsar console, a subscription represents a specific consumer and its subscription to a topic. A consumer can consume all messages in a topic after subscribing to it. One subscription can subscribe to multiple topics; for example, after a subscription is created under a topic, it will subscribe to both the current topic and the automatically created retry queue topic.
    This document describes how to configure the subscriptions to a topic in Subscription Management in TDMQ for Apache Pulsar.


    You have created a namespace and a topic.
    You have created a message producer and consumer based on the SDK provided by TDMQ for Apache Pulsar, and they run properly.


    Viewing subscription details

    1. Log in to the TDMQ for Apache Pulsar console and click Topic Management on the left sidebar.
    2. On the Topic Management list page, click View Subscription/Consumer in the Operation column of the target topic to enter the subscription list.
    3. In the subscription list, the first-level list displays all subscriptions to the current topic. After expanding the second-level list, you can see the consumer instances connected to each subscription and the consumption progress of each segment.

    Setting an offset

    1. In the subscription list, click Offset Settings in the Operation column to manually set the consumer offset for each subscription by time (that is, specify the time point from which the consumers under the subscription start to consume messages).
    2. Click Submit.

    Recreating retry/dead letter topics

    As you can manually delete a topic, if you want the deleted retry/dead letter topics to be created again by the system, you can click Recreate Retry/Dead Letter Queues in the Operation column of the subscription.

    Deleting a subscription

    When a subscription under a topic is deleted, if it has also subscribed to other topics (including the automatically created retry/dead letter topics), it will not be removed from such topics.
    1. In the subscription list, click More > Delete in the Operation column of the target subscription. You can also select multiple subscriptions and click Delete at the top of the subscription list.
    2. In the pop-up window, click Submit.
    Force deletion: After this option is enabled, a subscription will be forcibly deleted even if it has active consumer connections.
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