tencent cloud


Product Selection

Last updated: 2024-04-25 15:37:21
    To meet user needs in different scenarios, TDMQ for Apache Pulsaroffers product forms of Pro Cluster - Elastic Storage, Pro Cluster - Fixed Storage, and Virtual Cluster (Increment Limit). When purchasing a Pulsar cluster, it is recommended to consider business application scenarios, product capabilities, use costs, and other factors to make a product selection decision.

    Product Series

    TDMQ for Apache Pulsar product portfolio is shown as below.

    Recommened Selection Process

    It is recommended to select a product type based on the following process.

    Product Selection Analysis

    The features of two different types of TDMQ for Apache Pulsar clusters across various dimensions are compared as below:
    Comparison item
    Pro Cluster (Fixed Storage)
    Pro Cluster (Elastic Storage)
    Virtual Cluster (Increment Limit)
    Instance type
    Physical isolation
    Compute layer physical isolation, storage layer sharing
    Physical sharing, logical multi-tenancy
    Customer group and scenario
    Key customers with high demands on stability and resource isolation, and high business traffic in the production environment
    Key customers with high demands on stability and resource isolation, and high business traffic in the production environment
    Entry-level customers with moderate business volume, for short-term testing, with significant differences between peak and average traffic
    Billing mode
    Monthly subscription - prepaid
    Monthly subscription - prepaid
    Pay-as-you-go (postpaid)
    Billing item
    Based on supported cluster specifications, mainly including TPS, bandwidth billing, and fixed storage
    Based on supported cluster specifications, mainly including TPS, bandwidth billing, and storage pay-as-you-go
    API call fees, message storage fees, partition topic resource occupancy fees
    Receiving/Sending TPS
    On-demand purchase according to different compute and storage specifications (starting from 2,000 TPS)
    On-demand purchase according to different compute specifications (starting from 1,000 TPS)
    5,000 TPS for production and consumption each per cluster per Topic
    Requirements for message durability, resulting in stable storage consumption
    Primarily scenarios where messages are deleted upon consumption, resulting in minimal or highly variable storage consumption
    Data reliability: 99.99999999%
    Service availability: 99.99%
    Data reliability: 99.99999999%
    Service availability: 99.99%
    Data reliability: 99.999999%
    Service availability: 99.95%
    Pulsar engine
    2.9.2, 3.0 (planned)
    2.9.2, 3.0 (planned)
    Upper limit for expansion
    High flexibility, supporting up to millions of TPS
    High flexibility, supporting up to millions of TPS
    Elastic expansion and use within a certain range
    High availability
    Supports custom multi-AZ deployment in the same region to improve disaster recovery capabilities
    Supports custom multi-AZ deployment in the same region to improve disaster recovery capabilities
    Does not support cross-AZ deployment in the same city
    Expert services
    Provides escort services such as product upgrades, new business launches, and large-scale marketing campaigns, ensuring stable business operations
    Provides escort services such as product upgrades, new business launches, and large-scale marketing campaigns, ensuring stable business operations
    Provides Tencent Cloud standard ticket service

    Capacity Estimation

    After selecting the cluster type, you need to estimate instance specifications actually needed by your business, including the compute and storage specifications.
    Compute specifications: In TDMQ for Apache Pulsar Pro, the compute specifications refer to the upper limits of TPS for receiving and sending messages and bandwidth for this cluster instance. You need to select appropriate compute specifications based on actual business operations.
    Storage specifications: You can estimate the required storage space based on your projected message volume and size. In a pro cluster with a fixed storage form, the storage capacity is fixed with a monthly subscription. In a pro cluster with an elastic storage form, storage can be used on a pay-as-you-go basis, but it should be noted that the maximum storage limit varies among different cluster specifications.
    The message storage in TDMQ for Apache Pulsar Pro defaults to a 3 replica mode. Be aware during estimation.

    Purchasing a Cluster

    Select a region and create/purchase a cluster. Proceed Now.
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