tencent cloud



Last updated: 2024-06-28 11:31:36


    Namespace is a resource management concept in TDMQ for Apache Pulsar. It can typically be used to isolate different business scenarios and to configure dedicated settings, such as message retention period. Different namespaces are isolated from each other in terms of topics, subscriptions, and role permissions.
    This document describes how to create multiple namespaces in TDMQ for Apache Pulsar to use the same TDMQ for Apache Pulsar cluster in different scenarios.
    Topic and subscription names must be unique in the same namespace.


    If the TDMQ for Apache Pulsar cluster you create is on v2.6.1, a default namespace called default will be created with a default message TTL of 7 days. This namespace can be modified but not deleted.
    If the TDMQ for Apache Pulsar cluster you create is on v2.7.1 or later, no default namespace will be automatically created.

    Creating a namespace

    1. Log in to the TDMQ for Apache Pulsar console and enter the Namespace page.
    2. On the Namespace page, select a region and click Create.
    3. In the Create Namespace dialog box, configure the namespace attributes:
    Namespace Name: Enter the namespace name, which is required and cannot be modified after creation. The name can contain up to 128 letters, digits, and symbols "-_=:.".
    Message TTL: Set the acknowledgement timeout for an unconsumed message. The message will not be processed if it is not acknowledged within the timeout. Value range: 60 seconds to 24 hours.
    Message retention policy
    Deletion after consumption: Messages will be cleared within a certain period of time after being acknowledged successfully to save storage space.
    If there are no subscriptions under a topic, the messages just produced will be asynchronously cleared.
    Persistent retention: No matter whether messages are consumed or not, they will be stored persistently within the maximum retention period and maximum storage space and then deleted chronologically after the limit is reached.
    Auto-Create Subscription: Whether a subscription can be automatically created by the client.
    Description: Enter the namespace descriptions.
    4. Click Save.
    After the above steps, you can create a topic in the namespace as instructed in Topic Management to produce and consume messages.

    Modifying a namespace

    You can modify a namespace in the following steps:
    1. On the Namespace list page, click Edit in the Operation column of the target namespace to enter the editing page.
    2. Modify the message retention period or description and click Save.

    Deleting a namespace

    You can delete a created namespace in the following steps:
    1. On the Namespace list page, click Delete in the Operation column of the target namespace.
    2. In the pop-up deletion confirmation window, click OK, and the namespace will be deleted.
    A namespace with topics cannot be deleted.
    A role cannot be deleted if it has permissions configured in namespaces.
    A namespace associated with VPCs cannot be deleted.
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