Basic Concepts of CAM
The root account authorizes sub-accounts by binding policies, which can be precisely set at the [API, resource, user/user group, allow/deny, condition] dimension.
Account System
Root account: Owns and has unrestricted access to all Tencent Cloud resources.
Sub-account: Includes sub-users and collaborators.
Sub-user: Created by the main account and completely belongs to the root account that created the Sub-user.
Collaborator: A user with a main account identity added as a collaborator to the current root account, becoming one of its sub-accounts and able to switch back to the root account identity
Identity credentials: Includes log-in credentials and access certificates. Log-in credentials refer to a user’s log-in name and password. Access certificates refer to Tencent Cloud API keys (SecretId and SecretKey).
Resource and Permission
Resource: An object being operated in Tencent Cloud services, such as a CVM instance, a COS bucket, or a VPC instance
Permission: An authorization to allow or disallow some users to perform certain operations. By default, a root account has full access to all the resources under the account, while a sub-account does not have access to any resources under the root account.
Policy: A syntax rule that defines and describes one or more permissions. The root account performs authorization by associating policies with users/user groups.
Sub-Account Using Pulsar
To ensure that the sub-account can successfully use Pulsar, the root account needs to authorize the sub-account.
Root account logs in to CAM Console, finds the corresponding sub-account in the sub-account list, and clicks the Authorize in the operation column. Pulsar offers two preset policies for sub-accounts: QcloudTDMQReadOnlyAccess and QcloudTDMQFullAccess. The former can only view related information in the console, while the latter can perform read-write operations in the product console.
In addition to the above preset policies, for ease of use, the root account needs to grant the sub-accounts appropriate permissions to call other cloud services based on actual needs. The use of Pulsar involves the following API permissions of various cloud services:
TCOP (Monitor) | GetMonitorData | Query metric monitoring data. | View the corresponding monitoring metrics displayed in the console. |
TCOP (Monitor) | DescribeDashboardMetricData | Query metric monitoring data. | View the corresponding monitoring metrics displayed in the console. |
Resource Tag (Tags) | DescribeResourceTagsByResourceIds | Query resource tag. | View cluster resource tags. |
To grant the sub-account the above permissions, for the root account, you need to go to the CAM Console on the Policies page, and perform the Create Custom Policy operation. Click Create by****Policy Syntax for creation, then select Blank Template, and enter the following policy syntax: {
"version": "2.0",
"statement": [
"effect": "allow",
"action": [
"resource": [
After the policy is created, associate the newly created policy with the sub-account as shown below:
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