tencent cloud


Connecting to Prometheus

Last updated: 2024-06-28 11:31:37
    TDMQ for Apache Pulsar supports integrating pro cluster monitoring data into users' self-built Prometheus, which facilitates the observation of the TDMQ cluster's operations. It also allows for timely HPA of business workloads through Prometheus monitoring data, making overall online ops more automated.
    Advanced Usage:
    Using the standard Prometheus monitoring format, you can access data with your own Prometheus through our provided Exporter;
    For instance, configuring a Prometheus data source in Grafana or accessing Prometheus data with K8s for Workload HPA, etc.

    User Guide

    2. In the left sidebar, choose Cluster Management, and click the target instance's ID to enter the instance basic information page.
    3. Click to enter the Monitoring Information Sheet page.
    4. In the top right corner, click the TMP Entry Access button to Access Monitoring Targets, and select the appropriate network type and network configuration.
    5. Click Submit to access a set of monitoring targets.
    6. Modify the configuration file prometheus.yml to add a node_exporter scraping task.
    job_name: prometheus-tdmq-pulsar
    honor_timestamps: true
    scrape_interval: 60s
    metrics_path: /tencent-cloud-metrics/
    scheme: http
    - targets:
    - 10.x.x.x:10001
    - 10.x.x.x:10002
    When honor_timestamps is set to true, Prometheus will use the timestamps provided by the Exporter for its metrics rather than using the timestamps at which the Prometheus server receives these metrics.
    scrape_interval, the frequency of scraping monitoring metrics data. Currently at minute-level.
    metrics_path, the path to access monitoring metrics. Set it to /tencent-cloud-metrics/.
    scheme, the protocol for accessing resources in the configuration. Currently it only supports http.
    7. Access the corresponding visualization interface to view the configured monitoring metrics.
    1. This feature provides monitoring data at the cluster level, Topic level, and subscription level for pro clusters, aligning perfectly with the metric items on the console. However, unlike the console, where the monitoring data is pre-aggregated, the data through Prometheus is post-aggregated and requires you to manually aggregate and display it on the Grafana dashboard.
    2. Due to the different paths of monitoring data collection and different aggregation logic, the data captured by this feature may differ in specific values from the data displayed on the user console.
    3. This feature is only supported by pro clusters.
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