tencent cloud


Comparison with Apache RocketMQ

Last updated: 2024-01-18 09:53:49
The performance comparison between TDMQ for RocketMQ and Apache RocketMQ is detailed below:
Feature Type
TDMQ for RocketMQ
Apache RocketMQ
Basic features
Scheduled message
The scheduled time is accurate down to the second and can be customized.
You can only specify the delay level.
Visual management
Visual management for clusters, topics, and groups is supported. You can view the details of subscriptions and consumer status.
Visual management is supported but is less user-friendly. The console doesn’t distinguish between topic types.
Elastic scaling
You don’t need to manually deploy, configure, or scale up underlying computing resources because operations such as node registration are automatically performed in a visual manner. You can expand the number of nodes horizontally, increase the disk capacity, and upgrade the configurations of a single node vertically as needed at any time.
A self-built Ops team is required, and operations are performed in a less automatic or visualized manner.
High reliability
With three data replicas, the server can be automatically restarted in seconds after the downtime, without affecting the message capacity and data.
Data can be replicated in sync or async mode. You need to design the deployment scheme and related parameters. The primary sync schemes won’t be automatically used after the failover.
Cross-AZ high-availability deployment
This feature is supported to avoid losses caused by data center-level failures.
This feature is supported, but it is time-consuming for you to design the deployment schemes and parameters.
Resource dashboard
You can monitor core metrics at a fine granularity and view production and consumption details.
This feature is supported but with fewer monitoring metrics.
With the capabilities provided by Cloud Monitor, alarms will be triggered in case of message heap or delayed message sending/receiving.
Not supported
Security management and control
Tenant namespace isolation
You can implement this feature in the console in a visual manner.
This feature is not supported. Namespaces cannot be truly isolated due to bugs.
Root account and sub-account management
Supports authorization between Tencent Cloud CAM root accounts and sub-accounts and between enterprise accounts.
Not supported
Migration tool
Tool for migrating from Apache RocketMQ
You can easily migrate from Apache RocketMQ to TDMQ for RocketMQ by using scripts.

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