Operation Scenarios
Before using the SDK to send and receive messages, you need to create resources such as clusters and Topic in the console of TDMQ for RocketMQ . Relevant resource information needs to be configured when running the client.
Step 1. Create a new cluster
1. Log in to the RocketMQ console, enter the Cluster Management page, and select the target region. 2. Click Create Cluster, select the appropriate cluster specifications, and then click Buy Now to establish a new cluster.
3. From the cluster list page, click the created cluster ID. In Access Information section of the cluster information page, you can view the access point details of the cluster.
Step 2. Configure cluster permissions
1. Click the "ID" of the created cluster in Step 1 to access the basic information page of the cluster. 2. Select the Cluster Permissions tab at the top of the page, click Add Role to create a role, and configure production and consumption permissions for it.
5.x clusters support closing the ACL switch on the Cluster Management page. However, to ensure the security of the customer's cluster, it will first verify if the customer's public network switch is on before closing the ACL switch. If it is on, you need to close the public network switch before closing the ACL permissions.
Step 3. Create a Topic
1. From the cluster permissions list page, select the Topic tab to access the Topic list page.
2. Click Create, enter a Topic name, select General message as the type, then click Submit to create a Topic.
This document describes the process of using general messages as an example, therefore, the created Topic following these steps for general messages cannot be used to send or receive messages of other types.
Step 4. Create a Group
1. From the Topic list page, select the Group tab at the top to access the Group list page.
2. Click Create, enter a Group name, leave the other settings at their defaults, then click Submit to create a Group.
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