tencent cloud


Seamless migration

Last updated: 2024-06-13 16:05:13
    When using the TDMQ for RocketMQ, clients often need to switch their existing businesses. For example, from a self-built RocketMQ or another platform's managed RocketMQ to the TDMQ for RocketMQ.
    In the process of migration, clients generally have two methods: noticeable migration and seamless migration.
    Noticeable migration means that clients first import and export metadata, and then, following the Data Flow Migration Guide, switch the consumer and producer access addresses in sequence. However, this type of migration is somewhat invasive to clients' online services. During the switch of access points, it may affect the online business, thus it is more suitable for migration scenarios with low or no continuity requirements.


    Currently, Tencent Cloud TDMQ for RocketMQ supports clients in migrating the entire cluster without interrupting business. It provides visual insights into the progress of migration tasks at different stages through the console. And it supports pausing and rolling back tasks.
    This task guides you through the seamless migration of an open-source RocketMQ cluster to Tencent Cloud TDMQ for RocketMQ.

    Migration Directions


    Before starting the migration, you need to select the task of type Create Cluster for Seamless Migration on the Migration to Cloud page, and fill in the task information as guided below. Before creating the task, it is recommended to review the current traffic situation of the source cluster and purchase a suitable TDMQ for RocketMQ cluster to avoid throttling due to the cloud cluster's specification being too small after migration.
    Task name: Name the migration task according to the actual business situation.
    Source cluster name: Name your self-built cluster according to the actual business situation.
    Target cluster type: Currently supports RocketMQ 4.x exclusive cluster and RocketMQ 5.x cluster.
    Target cluster region: Select according to actual business needs. Only regions with the target cluster available are displayed.
    Target cluster: You can choose between RocketMQ 4.x generic clusters and exclusive clusters or RocketMQ 5.x clusters based on actual needs, ensuring that the target cluster's specifications can fully accommodate the source cluster's traffic.
    Since the clusters adapted for migration to the cloud require a separate installation of migration components, it's necessary to separately purchase the 4.x exclusive clusters that support seamless migration. You can also enable the Migrating to the Cloud Component switch when buying the exclusive clusters, as shown below. RocketMQ 4.x generic clusters and the full series of 5.x are not affected by the migration components and the corresponding clusters you previously purchased can be directly used.
    After filling in the information, click Create Task to officially start the first step of the task.
    On the task details page, you can always view the progress of the tasks you have created and view the current architecture diagram.

    Step 1: Connecting to the Source Cluster

    In this step, you must confirm the type of network connection and fill in the relevant information for the source cluster:
    Network connection type: The type of network connection used when connecting a RocketMQ cluster on Tencent Cloud to a source cluster. Depending on the actual situation, you can choose between the public network and VPC network. Subsequent steps will verify the network connection. If you choose VPC, you will need to select a specific VPC and subnet.
    If you choose to use the public network, to ensure the migration goes smoothly, you need to allow Tencent Cloud to access resources within your corresponding network. You can select your region in the table below and add Tencent Cloud's IP addresses for the corresponding regions to the public network allowlist of your self-built cluster.
    Source Cluster's Located Region
    Public IP Ranges to Be Opened
    Hong Kong (China)
    Silicon Valley
    Shanghai Finance
    NameServer address: Based on the network connection type entered in the previous step, fill in the NameServer address of the source cluster. The format is IP + port. Separate multiple addresses with semicolons.
    NameServer address type: Only required when using VPC network to access the source cluster. Depending on different customers' habits, the NameServer address could be a CVM address or a CLB address on Tencent Cloud. Please fill in truthfully. This is only for identifying the network connectivity scenario and has no impact on subsequent operations.
    Whether ACL enabled on the source cluster: Fill in truthfully. If your source cluster has ACL management for the Admin API enabled, to ensure smooth migration, you need to fill in the source cluster's accessKey and secretKey (here it refers to the ak and sk for calling the Admin API, not the ak sk used for sending and receiving messages, which needs to be distinguished).
    Depending on different customers' migration scenarios, there are situations where multiple source clusters migrate to the same TDMQ for RocketMQ cluster (target cluster). In such scenarios, the following issues need attention:
    1. A target cluster can only be involved in one migration task at a time. Therefore, if the above situation occurs, please migrate multiple source clusters in batches.
    2. When there are multiple migration tasks, different source clusters (suppose they are source cluster A and B) may have different ACL enabling configurations. Suppose during the first migration task, the source cluster A is migrated, and during the task creation stage, the ACL switch for source cluster A is enabled, then the ACL switch for the actual target cluster will also be enabled. During the second migration task, i.e., migrating source cluster B, the page will default to requiring ACL information when connecting to source cluster B. If the actual source cluster B does not use ACL, then in the subsequent traffic cut-over process, it will be necessary to supplement all clients of source cluster B with the relevant AK/SK configurations.
    3. If in the above migration scenario, the source cluster A does not activate the ACL switch during the first migration task, then by default, the client of source cluster B will not be subject to AK/SK verification.
    After filling in the above information, you can click the Complete Network Configuration at the bottom of the page. The TDMQ for RocketMQ migration component will connect to the source cluster. If the connection is successful, you can proceed to the next step. If the connection failed, the page will display the reason for the error. Common reasons and solutions for such errors include:
    Connecting to NameServer failed
    Confirm if the NameServer address entered is correct.
    If you are using a public network connection, ensure the public network allowlist of the NameServer has added Tencent Cloud's IP to the allowlist, or check if the configuration of the allowlist is correct.
    If you are using a public network connection, ensure the target cluster, namely the Tencent Cloud RocketMQ cluster you purchased, has public network connections enabled.
    Authentication failed
    Confirm if the source cluster has enabled permission control. If yes, ensure the accessSecret and accessKey entered are correct.

    Step 2: Importing Metadata

    After successfully connecting to the NameServer of the source cluster, you can start syncing the metadata from the source cluster to the target cluster.
    The migration tool automatically scans for related metadata of the source cluster, such as topics and groups. As shown below, you can confirm the information about topics and groups on the page. After the information is confirmed, you can click the Operation column's Confirm and Import button to proceed. You can also perform a batch import by clicking the
    button in front of the list.
    Notes for metadata migration:
    If you cannot find the topics or groups created on the source cluster in the current list, you can click the Refresh button in the upper right corner to refresh.
    If some topics and groups from the source cluster are still missing after refreshing, you can click the Create button to create new topics or groups.
    The number of queues for a topic defaults to the same as that in the source cluster. For stability reasons, if the number of queues for a topic in your source cluster does not meet the TDMQ for RocketMQ range (for example, exceeding 16 queues or fewer than 3 queues), TDMQ for RocketMQ will fine-tune the number of queues, and a prompt will appear on the page.
    The migrated groups default to the TCP protocol. If you need to create groups that support the HTTP protocol, you can do so separately on the target cluster page.
    In situations where the target cluster is an exclusive 4.x cluster, if namespaces are used in the source cluster, the migration tool will, by default, identify and use the part of the topic or group name before the % character as the namespace name. If namespaces are not enabled in the source cluster, the migration tool will, by default, place all topics and groups into a predefined namespace named Default.
    In the metadata import stage, you can also add the roles used for sending and receiving messages within the cluster, as well as the AK/SK. If there are many roles, you can click the
    icon in the upper right corner for batch import.
    After importing metadata, if you need to create new topics/groups, or operate on topics/groups, go to the target cluster, that is, the corresponding cluster's console in RocketMQ's console, to create.
    If you encounter metadata format compatibility issues during migration, or the target cluster does not fully access the metadata information of your source cluster, you can contact us through a ticket.

    Step 3: Modifying the Source Cluster's Endpoint

    After it is confirmed that all the metadata to be migrated has been imported, you need to follow the instructions on the page and modify the endpoint addresses of all clients.
    After modifying the endpoint addresses of clients, the migration tool will forward traffic to the source cluster, so the actual connections of each client remain with the source cluster, thus this step carries no risk. Before clicking Next, ensure that the endpoint of all clients (including consumers and producers) have been completely switched. Otherwise, during the grayscale migration of topics in the subsequent step, clients that have not changed their endpoint will be unable to connect to the target cluster, thus preventing them from participating in the grayscale migration.
    You can identify whether all clients have completed the modification of the endpoint by viewing the number of clients connected to each topic and the most recent connection time displayed on the Endpoint Modification Details list page.
    If all client endpoints have been successfully modified, you can proceed by clicking Next to officially enter the traffic switching stage.
    On the Access Point Modification Details list page, a comparison of the number of connected clients for each Group under the source and target clusters is displayed. This allows you to quickly locate any consumer client that has not completed modification. As shown below, the list page will display Groups that are inconsistent between the source and target clusters and automatically expand the Client lists on both sides for comparison. In the remark column, you can quickly locate the reasons.
    If all client access points have been confirmed to be modified, you can continue to click Next to officially enter the traffic switch phase. Before you enter the traffic switch phase, if any client access points are not yet modified, the page will give a prompt. If no popup appears, it can be assumed that all consumer client access points have been switched.

    Step 4: Grayscale Migration of Messages

    In the grayscale migration stage, the migration tool will migrate the migrants one by one at the topic granularity, following the sequence: Initial State (read and write on source cluster) > Dual Read Enabled (write to source cluster, read from both) > Dual Read and Write (read from both, write to both) > Cutting Over (write to target cluster, read from both) > Cut-over Completed (read and write on target cluster)". Throughout the migration process, each state allows for a rollback to the previous state:
    Initial state: The state of reading and writing on the source cluster. It is the starting state of migration. The read and write traffic is proxied through the migration component and still accesses the source cluster, thus causing no intrusion to the business side.
    Dual read enabled: The message producer client writes to the source cluster, while the message consumer simultaneously reads traffic from both the source and target clusters.
    Dual read and write: Messages sent by the message producer client are routed to either the source cluster or the target cluster at random. You can view the traffic of different clusters on the monitoring page; meanwhile, the message consumer reads traffic from both the source and target clusters simultaneously.
    Cutting over: The message producer client writes to the target cluster, while the message consumer reads traffic from both the source and target cluster simultaneously. You need to verify the new message transmission link is functioning normally without any anomalies and wait for the remaining messages in the source cluster to be fully consumed.
    Cut-over Completed: After it is confirmed that the new message transmission link meets expectations in the previous stage, and under the circumstance that all messages have been consumed in the source cluster without any backlog, the system enters the state of reading and writing on the target cluster, with all traffic accessing only the new target cluster.
    As shown above, you can view Readiness column's content to check if a topic is ready for migration. The migration tool will perform batch scans periodically. You can also use the Operation column's Health Check button for real-time checks on an individual topic. Topics that is in the Ready state can proceed to the next stage. During the cut-over process, you can click the Rollback to rollback an individual topic or batch.
    During the topic cut-over process, you can view the entire cluster or an individual topic's traffic and operational state through the Migration Monitoring Tab. Only topics in the Initial State support being removed from the migration task.
    During the cut-over process, you can freely compare the target cluster and source cluster's Group (consumer group) and the number of clients, as shown above, and it will also indicate which Groups in the source cluster have not yet completed the switch.
    During the cut-over process, you can also view the traffic changes between the source and target clusters via the monitoring tab. The monitoring data will be displayed by using different legends.

    Step 5: Completing the Migration

    Once all topics are in the Cut-over Completed state, you can proceed to the next step, which completes the entire migration process. After the migration is completed, all topics and clients are migrated, and all message traffic runs on TDMQ for RocketMQ. You can monitor the target and source clusters to gradually decommission the source cluster.
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