tencent cloud


Differences Between Version 4.x and 5.x

Last updated: 2024-07-04 16:16:20
TDMQ for RocketMQ 5.x launched by Tencent Cloud is a next-generation message queue product based on Apache RocketMQ 5.x. It draws on the architectural and technological innovations of the community and practical tutorials of Tencent Cloud's large-scale operations on the message queue products over the years. It is primarily tailored to online business message scenarios, boasting low latency, high availability, high reliability, and scalability. Compared with TDMQ for RocketMQ 4.x of Tencent Cloud and open-source cluster products developed by customers, TDMQ for RocketMQ 5.x has the following advantages:
TDMQ for RocketMQ 5.x
TDMQ for RocketMQ 4.x
Self-built Open-Source RocketMQ 4.x Products of Customers
SDK Compatibility
Compatible with SDKs of Apache RocketMQ 4.x and 5.x.
Compatible with Apache RocketMQ 4.x SDK.
Compatible with Apache RocketMQ 4.x SDK.
Overall Architecture
An architecture that separates compute and storage. Compute resources and storage pools can be automatically or manually scaled swiftly in response to traffic demands.
An architecture that integrates compute with storage.
An architecture that integrates compute with storage for most products.
Storage Elasticity
Storage pools with no quota limit are provided and are charged based on usage.
Storage pools that are charged based on quotas are provided. The storage capacity is limited.
No resource pool.
Computing Elasticity
Automated elasticity. The elastic bandwidth feature is provided for the Pro and Platinum Editions.
Online horizontal or vertical scaling.
Scaling must be performed by O&M personnel manually.
Monitoring Metrics
Over 100 metrics that are not available in the RocketMQ open-source community are provided. More metrics at the topic and group levels are available.
Over 50 metrics that are not available in the RocketMQ open-source community are provided.
External monitoring metrics built by customers are used generally.
O&M Complexity
O&M is not required, and automatic scaling is supported.
O&M is not required, and manual scaling is supported.
O&M is conducted via command-line operations, which is complex and costly and requires a high level of professional knowledge.
Billing Mode
Billing is based on specifications, traffic bandwidth, and actual storage usage. The overall costs can be reduced by 30%.
Billing is based on the instance and disk specifications or the number of API calls.
Billing is based on the occupied resources.
Usage Costs
The product is out-of-the-box service and provides support from a professional O&M team.
The product is out-of-the-box service and provides support from a professional O&M team.
O&M is conducted by customers.
Enhanced Features
Out-of-the-box advanced features, including message tracing, grayscale capabilities, and diagnostic capabilities, are provided. The service is undergoing rapid iterations to provide more new features.
Out-of-the-box advanced features, including message tracing, grayscale capabilities, and diagnostic capabilities, are provided.
Customers need to develop advanced features by themselves, which requires a high level of professional knowledge. The code maintenance is challenging due to differences from community standards.
Disaster Recovery Capability
Out-of-the-box disaster recovery capabilities are provided. By default, cross-AZ disaster recovery is adopted. Other schemes, such as remote disaster recovery, multi-site active-active, and united deployment, are also provided for customers to consult about.
Out-of-the-box disaster recovery capabilities are provided. By default, cross-AZ disaster recovery is adopted. Other schemes, such as remote disaster recovery and multi-site active-active, are also provided for customers to consult about.
Customers need to implement disaster recovery capabilities by themselves, which requires a high level of professional knowledge about message queues.
SLA Guarantee
Enterprise-level SLA guarantee provided: service availability of 99.99% and storage reliability of 99.9999999%.
Enterprise-level SLA guarantee provided: service availability of 99.99% and storage reliability of 99.9999999%.
Customers need to guarantee the SLA by themselves, which requires a high level of professional knowledge about message queues.
Business Support
24/7 support from the expert team of TDMQ for RocketMQ is provided. Training services are provided for customers who purchase the Platinum Edition.
24/7 support from the expert team of TDMQ for RocketMQ is provided.
Customers provide support by themselves.

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