API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
ApplyCertificate | Applies for a free certificate | 10 |
CancelAuditCertificate | Cancels certificate review | 10 |
CancelCertificateOrder | Cancels a certificate order | 10 |
CommitCertificateInformation | Submits a certificate order | 10 |
CreateCertificate | Purchases a certificate | 10 |
DeleteCertificate | Deletes a certificate | 10 |
DescribeCertificate | Gets certificate information | 10 |
DescribeCertificateOperateLogs | Gets certificate operation logs | 10 |
DescribeHostUpdateRecord | Query Certificate Cloud Resource Update Record List | 10 |
DescribeHostUpdateRecordDetail | Query Certificate Cloud Resource Update Record Details List | 10 |
DownloadCertificate | Downloads a certificate | 10 |
ModifyCertificateAlias | Modifies a certificate alias | 10 |
ModifyCertificateProject | Modifies the projects of multiple certificates | 10 |
ModifyCertificateResubmit | Re-submits a certificate review application | 10 |
ReplaceCertificate | Reissues a certificate | 10 |
SubmitCertificateInformation | Submits certificate information | 10 |
UpdateCertificateInstance | One-Click Update Old Certificate Resources | 10 |
UpdateCertificateRecordRetry | Cloud Resource Update Deployment Retry Record | 10 |
UpdateCertificateRecordRollback | Cloud Resource Update One-Click Rollback | 10 |
UploadConfirmLetter | Uploads the confirmation letter for a certificate | 10 |
CreateCertificateBindResourceSyncTask | Creates an async task for querying cloud resources associated with a certificate | 10 |
DescribeCertificateBindResourceTaskDetail | Queries the result of a task querying cloud resources associated with a certificate (details of associated cloud resources are returned) | 10 |
DescribeCertificateBindResourceTaskResult | Queries the result of a task querying cloud resources associated with a certificate (only the total number of associated cloud resources is returned) | 10 |
DescribeCertificateDetail | Gets certificate details | 10 |
DescribeCertificates | Gets the certificate list | 10 |
DescribeHostTeoInstanceList | Queries the list of EDGEONE instances to which a certificate can be deployed | 10 |
UploadCertificate | Uploads a certificate | 10 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
BatchDeleteCSR | Batch deletes CSRs | 10 |
CreateCSR | Creates a CSR | 10 |
DescribeCSR | Queries the details of a CSR | 10 |
DescribeCSRSet | Queries the CSR list | 10 |
ModifyCSR | Modifies the information of a CSR | 10 |
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