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SSL Certificate Service Console
Last updated: 2024-03-06 15:40:28
SSL Certificate Service Console
Last updated: 2024-03-06 15:40:28
To offer a better experience, the SSL Certificate Service console has been fully upgraded through feature combination and optimization. New feature modules are added, including certificate overview, operation history, and quick start. The new console works with SSLPod to provide more comprehensive and convenient configuration and management. This document describes how to quickly get started in the console. If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments, contact us.

Feature overview

Certificate Overview
The Certificate Overview page displays the SSL certificate application status and monitoring status and allows for other operations. Specifically:
Application Status : You can quickly view SSL certificates in Pending Submission , Validating , Issued , and Rejected statuses and manipulate them.
Monitoring Status : You can quickly view SSL certificate monitoring information such as Normal Access , Access Exception , and Expiration Alert and view the corresponding SSLPod monitoring report.
My Certificates
The My Certificates page allows you to view and manage SSL certificates that are being applied for as well as issued and expired SSL certificates. Specifically:
View the information of certificates that are being applied for as well as issued and expired certificates.
Purchase a certificate.
Apply for a free certificate.
Upload an existing certificate.
Manage a certificate, for example, submit the application information, reissue a certificate, and renew it.
Operation History
The operation history allows you to view the operation records of existing SSL certificates. Specifically:
Export operation records in CSV or JSON format.
Filter operation records.
Certificate Monitoring
This feature enables the collaboration between SSL Certificate Service and SSLPod, facilitating management and use.

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