This document describes how to validate a domain through automatic DNS validation when you apply for a certificate or add a domain in the SSL Certificate Service console.
2. On the My Profile page, click the name of the organization for which domain information is to be validated. Then you can view the information of administrators that have been applied for.
3. Click the target administrator name to enter the Review Information page.
4. Click the *Domain Information tab, select the target domain, and click View Validation.
5. On the Validate Domain page, add a DNS record as prompted and within the specified period of time.
Step 2. Add a DNS record
The following operations apply only to domains hosted with Tencent Cloud. For those hosted with other platforms, go to the corresponding DNS service provider.
1. Get the host and record value as shown in the figure in substep 5 in Step 1. View validation information.
2. Log in to the DNSPod console to view the target domain and click DNS in the Operation column to enter the Record Management page. 3. Click Add Record to add a CNAME record.
Host: Enter the obtained host.
Record Type: Select CNAME.
Split Zone: Make sure that it is Default, or resolution may fail for some users.
Record Value: Enter the obtained record value.
MX Priority: leave it empty.
TTL: it refers to the time to live. The smaller the value is, the less the time cost for record changes to take effect globally. The default value is 600 seconds.
4. Click Save.
5. After adding the record successfully, wait for the CA to scan and review it. If it can be found and matches the specified value, the review is completed.
DNS usually takes effect within 10 minutes to 24 hours. The actual time depends on the ISP refresh time.
Do not delete or modify the configured CNAME record; otherwise, the proxy will not work.
Do not configure the TXT record for a domain if the CNAME record is already configured; otherwise, domain validation may fail.
If anything goes wrong during this process, contact us. 6. On the Validate Domain page, click Validate to check whether the CNAME record has been added successfully.