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SSL Certificates
Domain Validation Method Selection
Last updated: 2024-03-06 17:24:16
Domain Validation Method Selection
Last updated: 2024-03-06 17:24:16
This document describes how to select a proper domain validation method when you apply for a certificate or add a domain in the SSL Certificate Service console.

Domain validation method

SSL Certificate Service supports the following domain validation methods:
Validation Method
Use Cases
Use Limits
You can select automatic DNS addition for the required domain ownership verification when you apply for an SSL certificate.
You must use a DNSPod domain.
You can select DNS validation for the required domain ownership verification when you apply for an SSL certificate.
You need to have the DNS permission for the domain. This is applicable to domains resolved on any platform.
You can select file validation for the required domain ownership verification when you apply for an SSL certificate.
This process is complex and requires a basic knowledge of website development.
You can apply for multi-year international standard certificates only. For more information, see Available Multi-Year International Standard Certificates
You need to have the DNS permission for the domain.
Automatic file validation
You can apply for multi-year international standard certificates only. For more information, see Available Multi-Year International Standard Certificates
This process is complex and requires a basic knowledge of website development.Wildcard domains are not supported.

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