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SSL Certificates
Getting Started
Last updated: 2024-03-06 17:20:20
Getting Started
Last updated: 2024-03-06 17:20:20
During your first application for a certificate, make sure that you understand the certificate brands and types so that you can apply for one that fits your needs. This document describes how to apply for a free certificate as a novice.

Step 1: Register an account

Note: If you already have a Tencent Cloud account, ignore this step.
To apply for a certificate from Tencent Cloud, you need to sign up for a Tencent Cloud account.

Step 2. Select an SSL certificate

Log in at the SSL certificate purchase page to view the certificate prices.
Certificate Type
DV certificate
This type of certificate is suitable for individual businesses such as personal blog.
Free DV
OV certificate
This type of certificate is suitable for industries such as education, government affairs, and internet, for example, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, JD.com, Tencent News, Shanghai Gold Exchange, State Grid, Yonyou, Inspur, and Tencent Cloud.
OV Pro
EV certificate
This type of certificate is suitable for financial and banking customers, such as Bank of China.
EV Pro

Step 3. Apply for a free SSL certificate

This section describes how to apply for a free DV certificate for the setup of a personal website that does not involve private data, finance, and other high security levels.

Step 4. Install and deploy an SSL certificate

The quick HTTPS feature helps you upgrade from HTTP to HTTPS without tedious SSL certificate deployment.
1. Log in to the SSL Certificate Service console again and go to the My Certificates page.
2. Select the target certificate and click Download in the Operation column.
3. After downloading the certificate, decompress and install it to your Tencent Cloud service.
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