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SSL Certificates
Uploading Certificates
Last updated: 2024-03-06 17:31:47
Uploading Certificates
Last updated: 2024-03-06 17:31:47


You can upload all your SSL certificates to the SSL Certificate Service console for unified management. This document describes how to upload certificates.
Currently, SM2 certificates cannot be uploaded.


You have logged in to the SSL Certificate Service console.


1. Click My Certificates > Upload Certificate.

2. Set information as required in the Upload Certificate dialog box.

Alias: please enter a certificate name.
A certificate is usually a file with an extension such as .crt or .pem. Please use a text editor to open the certificate file and copy the certificate to the Certificate text box.
The certificate should start with "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" and end with "-----END CERTIFICATE-----".
The certificate content should include the complete certificate chain.
Private key:
A private key is usually a file with an extension such as .key and .pem. Please use a text editor to open the private key file and copy the private key to the corresponding text box.
The private key starts with "-----BEGIN (RSA) PRIVATE KEY-----" and ends with "-----END (RSA) PRIVATE KEY-----".
3. Click Upload to upload the certificate to the certificate list.

Subsequent Operations

You can deploy the uploaded certificate to a cloud service.
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