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SSL Certificates
DocumentationSSL CertificatesCertificate ManagementIgnoring SSL Certificate Notifications
Ignoring SSL Certificate Notifications
Last updated: 2024-03-06 17:44:08
Ignoring SSL Certificate Notifications
Last updated: 2024-03-06 17:44:08


This document describes how to enable or disable certificate ignoring, a feature provided by the SSL Certificate Service to ignore or re-receive the messages of a specified SSL certificate for effective certificate message management.
You can ignore only certificates that will expire soon.


Disabling certificate messages

1. Log in to the SSL Certificate Service console and go to the My Certificates page.
2. On the My Certificates page, select the target certificate and click More > Ignore.
3. In the pop-up window, click OK.

Enabling certificate messages

1. Log in to the SSL Certificate Service console and go to the My Certificates page.
2. On the My Certificates page, select the target certificate and click More > Unignore to receive the messages of the certificate.
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