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Customizing SSL Certificate Expiration Notifications
Last updated: 2024-03-06 17:44:06
Customizing SSL Certificate Expiration Notifications
Last updated: 2024-03-06 17:44:06


This document describes how to configure alarms for the e79vbLDZ SSL certificate instance to have alarms sent to specified recipients via SMS and email when it will expire within 30 calendar days.
You can set the number of days, interval, and recipients to receive alarm messages for the expiration of the SSL certificate.


1. Log in to the Cloud Monitor console.
2. On the left sidebar, click Alarm Configuration > Alarm Policy.
3. Click Add to enter the Create Policy page and configure relevant information.


Step 1. Configure the basic information

In the Basic Info module, enter the relevant information.
Policy Name: Enter a custom policy name.
Remarks: Enter the remarks.
Monitoring Type: It is Cloud Product Monitoring by default.
Policy Type: Select SSL Certificate/Expiration Time.
Project: You can select Default Project or another as needed.

Step 2. Configure the alarm policy

1. In the Alarm Policy module, configure the Alarm Object, select Instance ID, and select the target SSL certificate instance.
2. Set Trigger Condition to Configure manually and configure the following conditions.
Condition: Select any.
Threshold: Select Static.
"Metric alarm" condition: Set the condition to receive only one alarm message if the expiration time is within 30 days under the statistical period of 1 minute.
You can set the alarm trigger condition as needed.

Step 3. Configure alarm notifications

In the Configuring Alarm Notification module, preferably set Notification Template to Select template and add [Recipient]/[Recipient Group] of the alarm. The figure takes the preset notification template as an example:
If no templates are created, click Create template to create one. Then, you can specify the recipient to receive the expiration alarm.

Step 4. Configure advanced settings

1. In the Advanced Settings module, set whether to trigger the auto scaling policy after the alarm conditions are met.
2. Click Complete.
3. After the configuration, if the e79vbLDZ SSL certificate instance will expire within 30 calendar days, the specified recipient will be notified via SMS and email.
For more information, see Cloud Monitor documentation.
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