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SSL Certificates
DocumentationSSL CertificatesAnnouncementsLet's Encrypt Root Certificate Expired on September 30, 2021
Let's Encrypt Root Certificate Expired on September 30, 2021
Last updated: 2024-03-06 15:40:28
Let's Encrypt Root Certificate Expired on September 30, 2021
Last updated: 2024-03-06 15:40:28
The old Let's Encrypt SSL root certificate (Root CA) was disused on September 30, 2021. If deployed with Let's Encrypt SSL certificates not updated before expiration, your websites may not be trusted by PCs, devices, or web browsers, the compatibility may be compromised, and certain websites may even become inaccessible, affecting your normal use.
To avoid affecting your business, you can check your Let's Encrypt SSL certificates for these issues through SSLPod and view the report details.
If the above issues exist, we recommend that you update to SSL certificates of other brands as soon as possible, thereby preventing the consequences of the Let's Encrypt root certificate expiration at the source.
Tencent Cloud does not sell or issue Let's Encrypt certificates, so you can ignore this notice if your SSL certificates are issued by Tencent Cloud.
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