tencent cloud


Spring Boot Starter

Last updated: 2024-01-03 11:45:32


    This document describes how to use Spring Boot Starter SDK to send and receive messages and helps you better understand the message sending and receiving processes.


    You have created the required resources as instructed in Resource Creation and Preparation.


    Step 1. Add dependencies

    Add dependencies to the pom.xml file.

    Step 2. Prepare configurations

    1. Add RabbitMQ configuration information to the configuration file (with the YAML configuration as an example).
    # The host address can be obtained in the console. You can also use the RabbitMQ service address
    host: amqp-xx.rabbitmq.x.tencenttdmq.com
    port: 5672
    # Name of the role to be used, which can be obtained on the **Role Management** page in the console
    username: admin
    # Role token
    password: eyJrZXlJZ....
    # Full name of vhost, which can be obtained on the **Vhost** tab in the console
    virtual-host: amqp-xxx|Vhost
    Cluster access address, which can be obtained from the Client Access section on the Basic Info page of the cluster.
    Cluster access address, which can be obtained from the Client Access section on the Basic Info page of the cluster.
    Enter the name of the user created in the console.
    Enter the password of the user created in the console.
    Vhost name, which can be obtained from the vhost list in the console.
    2. Create a configuration file loading program (with the Fanout exchange as an example).
    For the configurations of exchanges in other types, see Demo.
    * Fanout exchange configuration
    public class FanoutRabbitConfig {
    * Exchange
    public FanoutExchange fanoutExchange() {
    return new FanoutExchange("fanout-logs", true, false);
    * Message queue
    public Queue fanoutQueueA() {
    return new Queue("ps_queue", true);
    public Queue fanoutQueueB() {
    // You can use this method to bind a dead letter queue
    Map<String, Object> requestParam = new HashMap<>();
    requestParam.put("x-dead-letter-exchange", "my-deadLetter-exchange");
    // Set the message validity period
    requestParam.put("x-message-ttl", 60000);
    return new Queue("ps_queue1", true, false,true, requestParam);
    * Bind the message queue to the exchange
    public Binding bindingFanoutA() {
    return BindingBuilder.bind(fanoutQueueA())
    public Binding bindingFanoutB() {
    return BindingBuilder.bind(fanoutQueueB())
    Bound exchange name, which can be obtained from the exchange list in the console.
    Name of the first queue bound to the exchange, which can be obtained from the queue list in the console.
    Dead letter exchange name, which can be obtained from the exchange list in the console.
    Name of the second queue bound to the exchange, which can be obtained from the queue list in the console.

    Step 3. Send messages

    Create and compile the message sending program DemoApplication.java and use RabbitTemplate to send message.
    private RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate;
    public String send() {
    String msg = "This is a new message.";
    // Send the message
    // Parameter description: Parameter 1: Exchange name, which can be obtained from the exchange list in the console. Parameter 2: Routing key. Parameter 3: Message content
    rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend("direct_logs", "", msg);
    return "success";

    Step 4. Consume messages

    Create and compile the message receiving program FanoutReceiver.java (with Fanout exchange as an example).
    public class FanoutReceiver {
    // Register a listener to listen on the specified message queue
    @RabbitListener(queues = "ps_queue") // Name of the queue bound to the exchange, which can be obtained from the queue list in the console
    public void listenerPsQueue(String msg) {
    // Business processing...
    System.out.println("(ps_queue) receiver message. [" + msg + "]");

    Step 5. View messages

    If you want to confirm whether the messages have been successfully sent to TDMQ for RabbitMQ, you can view the status of connected consumers on the Cluster> Queue page in the console.
    For other samples, see Spring AMQP official documentation.
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