If the current cluster specifications cannot meet your business needs, you can increase the node specification, node quantity, and single-node storage specification in the console.
Currently, you can only upgrade but not downgrade the node specification, node count, and node storage specification.
2. On the left sidebar, select Cluster > Cluster. Then, click Upgrade in the Operation column on the cluster list page.
3. Select the target node specification and click Confirm the Adjustment.
Target Node Specification: When the node specification is changed, resources will be changed accordingly, and the open-source console needs to be restarted. We recommend that you configure multi-node mirrored queues before upgrading the configurations to avoid service interruption and data loss during the upgrade.
Target Node Count: You can select 3, 5, or 7 nodes.
Single-Node Storage Specification: The new single-node storage specification takes effect for all nodes in the cluster.
Upgrade Time: You can select Execute or Custom time (upgrade at night is recommended to reduce the impact on your business).
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