tencent cloud



Last updated: 2024-01-03 11:45:32


    This document describes how to use open-source SDK to send and receive messages by using the SDK for PHP as an example and helps you better understand the message sending and receiving processes.



    Step 1. Install the php-amqplib library

    RabbitMQ officially recommends the php-amqplib client. First, you need to import the php-amqplib library into your project.
    1. Add the composer.json file to your project.
    "require": {
    "php-amqplib/php-amqplib": ">=3.0"
    2. Use Composer for installation.
    composer.phar install
    You can also run the following command:
    composer install
    3. Import the library file into the client files to create a client.
    After completing the above steps, you can create a connection for interaction with the server.

    Step 2. Send messages

    Create and compile a message producing program (with a direct exchange as an example).
    use PhpAmqpLib\\Connection\\AMQPStreamConnection;
    use PhpAmqpLib\\Message\\AMQPMessage;
    $exchange_name = 'exchange_name';
    $exchange_type = 'direct';
    // Create a connection
    $connection = new AMQPStreamConnection(
    // Establish a channel
    $channel = $connection->channel();
    // Declare the exchange
    $channel->exchange_declare($exchange_name, $exchange_type, false, true, false);
    // Set the message routing key
    $routing_keys = array('info', 'waring', 'error');
    for ($x = 0; $x < count($routing_keys); $x++) {
    // Message content
    $msg = new AMQPMessage('This is a direct[' . $routing_keys[$x] . '] message!');
    // Send a message to the specified exchange and set the routing key
    $channel->basic_publish($msg, $exchange_name, $routing_keys[$x]);
    echo " [Producer(Routing)] Sent '" . $msg->body . "'\\n";
    // Release resources
    Exchange name, which can be obtained from the exchange list in the console.
    It must be the same as the type of the above exchange.
    Cluster access address, which can be obtained from Access Address in the Operation column on the Cluster page.
    Cluster access port.
    Role name, which can be copied on the Role Management page.
    Role key, which can be copied in the Key column on the Role Management page.
    Vhost name in the format of "cluster ID + | + vhost name", which can be copied on the Vhost page in the console.
    Routing key bound to the consumer message queue, which is also the message routing rule and can be obtained in the Binding Key column in the binding list in the console.

    Step 3. Consume messages

    Create and compile a message consuming program.
    use PhpAmqpLib\\Connection\\AMQPStreamConnection;
    $exchange_name = 'exchange_name';
    $exchange_type = 'direct';
    $queue_name = 'route_queue1';
    // Create a connection
    $connection = new AMQPStreamConnection(
    // Establish a channel
    $channel = $connection->channel();
    // Declare the exchange
    $channel->exchange_declare($exchange_name, $exchange_type, false, true, false);
    // Declare the message queue
    $channel->queue_declare($queue_name, false, true, false, false);
    // Set the queue routing key
    $routing_keys = array('info', 'waring', 'error');
    for ($x = 0; $x < count($routing_keys); $x++) {
    // Bind the message queue to the specified exchange and set `routingKey`
    $channel->queue_bind($queue_name, $exchange_name, $routing_keys[$x]);
    echo " [Consumer1(Routing: info/waring/error)] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C\\n";
    // Message callback (message consumption logic)
    $callback = function ($msg) {
    echo ' [Consumer1(Routing: info/waring/error)] Received ', $msg->body, "\\n";
    // Create a consumer to listen on the specified message queue
    $channel->basic_consume($queue_name, '', false, true, false, false, $callback);
    while ($channel->is_open()) {
    // Disable the resource
    Exchange name, which can be obtained from the exchange list in the console.
    It must be the same as the type of the above exchange.
    Queue name, which can be obtained from the queue list in the console.
    Cluster access address, which can be obtained from Access Address in the Operation column on the Cluster page.
    Cluster access port.
    Role name, which can be copied on the Role Management page.
    Role key, which can be copied in the Key column on the Role Management page.
    Vhost name in the format of "cluster ID + | + vhost name", which can be copied on the Vhost page in the console.
    Routing key bound to the consumer message queue, which is also the message routing rule and can be obtained in the Binding Key column in the binding list in the console.

    Step 4. View messages

    To check whether messages are sent to TDMQ for RabbitMQ successfully, view the connected consumer status on the Cluster > Queue page in the console.
    For the complete sample code and other use cases, see Demo or RabbitMQ Tutorials.
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