tencent cloud


Monitoring and Alarms

Last updated: 2024-06-26 15:56:25


    A TDMQ for RabbitMQ exclusive cluster can monitor resources created under your account, including clusters and nodes. You can analyze the cluster usage based on the monitoring data and handle possible risks promptly. You can also set alarm rules for monitoring metrics to receive alarm messages when metrics are abnormal. This helps you deal with risks in time and ensure the stable operations of your system.

    Monitoring Metrics

    You can check monitoring metrics of a TDMQ for RabbitMQ exclusive cluster from four dimensions: cluster, node, vhost, and queue. The following table describes supported monitoring metrics.
    Monitoring Metric
    Basic Information
    Connection Count
    Number of opened connections
    Channel Count
    Number of opened channels
    Queue Count
    Total number of available queues
    Consumer Count
    Total number of online consumers
    Message Backlog
    Total number of messages in the Ready state (accumulated but not delivered)
    Inbound Public Network Bandwidth
    Inbound public network bandwidth
    Outbound Public Network Bandwidth
    Outbound public network bandwidth
    Recommended TPS Limit (Production + Consumption)
    Recommended TPS limit for the cluster when the mirror queue is not enabled
    Total Opened Channels
    Total number of opened channels
    Production and Consumption
    Production Confirmation Rate
    Rate that the broker confirms to return a packet after the client successfully generates a message
    Messages Produced per Second
    Rate that the client generates messages
    Unacknowledged Message Count
    Total number of messages that are delivered to but are not acknowledged by the consumer
    Consumption Acknowledgment Rate
    Rate that the consumer acknowledges messages
    Messages Consumed per Second
    Number of messages consumed per second, including scenarios in which autoAck = false and autoAck = true
    Redelivery Rate
    Rate for redelivering messages to the consumer in a channel
    Message Discard Rate
    Rate for dropping messages that are sent to an exchange with mandatory = false due to no matching route
    Delayed Message Count
    Delayed Message Count in the current cluster.
    Monitoring Metric
    Basic Information
    Connection Count
    Number of open connections
    Channel Count
    Number of opened channels
    Queue Count
    Total number of available queues
    Consumer Count
    Total number of online consumers
    Message Backlog
    Total number of messages in the Ready state (accumulated but not delivered)
    CPU Usage
    CPU usage of a node
    Memory Usage
    Memory usage of a node
    Disk Usage
    Disk usage of a node
    Production and Consumption
    Production Confirmation Rate
    Rate that the broker confirms to return a packet after the client successfully generates a message
    Messages Produced per Second
    Rate that the client generates messages
    Unacknowledged Message Count
    Total number of messages that are delivered to but are not acknowledged by the consumer
    Consumption Acknowledgment Rate
    Rate that the consumer acknowledges messages
    Messages Consumed per Second
    Number of messages consumed per second, including scenarios in which autoAck = false and autoAck = true
    Redelivery Rate
    Rate for redelivering messages to the consumer in a channel
    Message Discard Rate
    Rate for dropping messages that are sent to an exchange with mandatory = false due to no matching route
    Monitoring Metric
    Basic Information
    Consumer Count
    Total number of online consumers
    Message Backlog
    Total number of messages in the Ready state (accumulated but not delivered) ++
    Production and Consumption
    Production Confirmation Rate
    Rate that the broker confirms to return a packet after the client successfully generates a message
    Messages Produced per Second
    Rate that the client generates messages
    Unacknowledged Message Count
    Total number of messages that are delivered to but are not acknowledged by the consumer
    Consumption Acknowledgment Rate
    Rate that the consumer acknowledges messages
    Messages Consumed per Second
    Number of messages consumed per second, including scenarios in which autoAck = false and autoAck = true
    Redelivery Rate
    Rate for redelivering messages to the consumer in a channel
    Message Discard Rate
    Rate for dropping messages that are sent to an exchange with mandatory = false due to no matching route
    Monitoring Metric
    Basic Information
    Consumer Count
    Total number of online consumers
    Message Backlog
    Total number of messages in the Ready state (accumulated but not delivered)
    Production and Consumption
    Unacknowledged Message Count
    Total number of messages that are delivered to but are not acknowledged by the consumer
    Consumption Acknowledgment Rate
    Rate that the consumer acknowledges messages
    Redelivery Rate
    Rate for redelivering messages to the consumer in a channel

    Viewing Monitoring Data

    1. Log in to the RabbitMQ console.
    2. In the left sidebar, select Cluster > Cluster , select a region, and click the ID of the target cluster to enter the cluster details page.
    3. At the top of the cluster details page, select the Monitoring tab to enter the monitoring page.
    4. Select the Resource tab, select the resource you want to view, and set the time range to view monitoring data.
    Click it to view the monitoring metrics on a YoY basis. YoY, MoM, and custom date are supported.
    Click it to refresh and obtain the latest monitoring data. Monitoring data can be refreshed at intervals of 30 seconds, 5 minutes, 30 minutes, and 1 hour.
    Click it copy the chart to the dashboard. For more information about the dashboard, see Dashboard.
    After it is selected, legend information can be displayed on the chart.

    Configuring Alarm Rules

    Creating an Alarm Rule

    You can configure alarm rules for monitoring metrics. When a monitoring metric reaches the set alarm threshold, Cloud Monitor will notify you of exceptions in time via email or SMS.
    1. On the Monitoring page of the cluster, click the alarm icon below to enter the CM console and configure an alarm policy.
    2. On the alarm configuration page, select a policy type and instance, and set the alarm rule and notification template.
    Policy Type: Select TDMQ/RabbitMQ.
    Alarm Object: Select the RabbitMQ resource for which to configure the alarm policy.
    Trigger Condition: You can select Select template or Configure manually. The latter is selected by default. For more information on manual configuration, see the description below. For more information on how to create a template, see Creating a trigger condition template.
    Metric: For example, if you select 1 minute as the statistical period for the "connections" metric, then if the average production duration exceeds the threshold for N consecutive data points, an alarm will be triggered.
    Alarm Frequency: For example, "Alarm once every 30 minutes" means that there will be only one alarm triggered every 30 minutes if a metric exceeds the threshold in several consecutive statistical periods. Another alarm will be triggered only if the metric exceeds the threshold again in the next 30 minutes.
    Notification Template: You can select an existing notification template or create one to set the alarm recipient objects and receiving channels.
    3. Click Complete.
    For more information on alarms, see Creating Alarm Policy.

    Creating a trigger condition template

    1. Log in to the CM console.
    2. On the left sidebar, click Trigger Condition Template to enter the Template list page.
    3. Click Create on the Trigger Condition Template page.
    4. On the template creation page, configure the policy type.
    Policy Type: Select TDMQ/RabbitMQ.
    Use preset trigger condition: Select this option and the system recommended alarm policy will be displayed.
    5. After it is confirmed that everything is correct, click Save.
    6. Return to alarm policy creation page and click Refresh. The alarm policy template just configured will be displayed.

    Alarm Configuration Suggestions

    This section describes some key metrics and their alarm configuration suggestions while using TDMQ for RabbitMQ.
    Suggested Alarm Configuration
    Disk Usage (%)
    Statistical period of 1 minute, > 80%, and for 5 consecutive data points. Alarm once every 30 minutes
    High disk usage may result in insufficient disk space on the node to accommodate messages assigned to it. As a result, messages cannot be written to the disk. You are advised to promptly clear data or scale out the cluster when the average disk usage exceeds 80%.
    Memory Usage (%)
    Statistical period of 1 minute, > 50%, and for 5 consecutive data points. Alarm once every 30 minutes
    High memory usage blocks message production. You are advised to accelerate consumption, apply flow control to production, or scale out the cluster when the memory usage exceeds 50%.
    CPU Usage (%)
    Statistical period of 1 minute, > 70%, and for 5 consecutive data points. Alarm once every 30 minutes
    High CPU usage affects the message production speed. You are advised to scale out the cluster when the CPU usage exceeds 70%.
    Message backlog (Count)
    Statistical period of 5 minutes, > expected message backlog for the business, and for 5 consecutive data points. Alarm once every 30 minutes
    An excessive accumulation of messages causes a rapid disk usage increase of the broker node. As a result, other messages cannot be received, and scale-out is needed.
    Node Survival Status (%)
    The monitoring configuration item of granularity is collected every one minute; the value of the node survival status is 1; lasting for 3 data points will trigger an alarm, with an alarm triggered once every 15 minutes
    Abnormal Node Survival Status or Downtime can lead to message loss, especially when persistence or image queues are not enabled. It also increases the load on the remaining nodes, causing a decline in cluster performance. It is recommended to check the cause in conjunction with other indicators and alarm information.
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