tencent cloud


Billing Overview

Last updated: 2024-06-27 10:39:01
    Tencent Cloud TCHouse-D has three billing items and supports the pay-as-you-go mode. You can go to Purchasing Tencent Cloud TCHouse-D to buy clusters as needed.

    Billable Items

    Tencent Cloud TCHouse-D clusters include the following three billable items:
    Billable Item
    Billing Description
    Frontend (FE) node
    Fees for the cloud server resources consumed by the FE nodes
    Backend (BE) node
    Fees for the cloud server resources consumed by the BE nodes
    Fees for the storage resources of FE and BE nodes

    Billing Modes

    Billing Modes
    Payment mode
    Postpaid, with a Frozen Funds upon purchase
    Billing unit
    Minimum usage duration
    The service is billed by second and settled hourly. You can purchase or release the service at any time.
    Adjustment of node configuration
    Configurations can be adjusted at any time. After adjustment, billing rules remain the same, and fees are settled hourly based on actual configurations.
    Fees are calculated based on usage duration. Real-name verification is required for your account. A 1-hour fee freeze (coupons cannot be used for this freeze) is required at the time of purchase, and the frozen resource fees will be refunded upon cluster termination. Before purchasing, you can check the available balance in your Cloud Billing account, and if the balance is less than the amount to be deducted, please top it up before purchasing.
    The cluster unit price is displayed on an hourly basis, but the fees are calculated based on the actual usage duration in seconds and rounded to the nearest cent. Billing starts from the second the cluster is created and stops the second the cluster is terminated.
    When you purchase a pay-as-you-go cluster, the fees for 1-hour usage under the current configuration will be frozen and you will be billed at each hour, with charges being deducted based on the actual usage in the previous hour. When you adjust the configuration of pay-as-you-go nodes, the previously frozen fees will be unfrozen, and fees will be frozen again based on 1-hour usage under the new configuration. When the pay-as-you-go cluster is terminated, the system will unfreeze the frozen fees.
    For overdue payment due to insufficient balance, please refer to Overdue Policy.


    The detailed pricing for different specifications of Tencent Cloud TCHouse-D is as follows:
    Tencent Cloud TCHouse-D provides three types of storage products, pricing detailed as follows:
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