tencent cloud


Common Errors

Last updated: 2024-07-31 09:20:19

    Query error: Failed to get scan range, no queryable replica found in tablet: xxxx.

    This is because the corresponding tablet cannot find a replica to query. The usual reasons may be BE downtime, replica missing, and so on. First, you can use the show tablet tablet_id statement and then execute the following show proc statement to view the replica information of this tablet and check whether the replica is complete. You can also use show proc "/cluster_balance" Information to query the progress in replica scheduling and repair within the cluster. For commands related to data replica management, see Data Replica Management.

    tablet writer write failed, tablet_id=27306172, txn_id=28573520, err=-235 or -215 or -238

    This error usually occurs during data import. The error code is -235 or -238.
    The -235 error means that the data version of the corresponding tablet exceeds the maximum limit (the default is 500, controlled by the BE parameter max_tablet_version_num), and subsequent writes will be rejected. For example, the error in the question means that the data version of tablet 27306172 exceeds the limit. This is usually because that import is too frequent, which is greater than the compaction speed of the backend data, resulting in version accumulation and eventually exceeding the limit. At this time, you can first use the show tablet 27306172 statement and then execute the show proc in the result statement to view the status of each tablet replica. The versionCount in the result indicates the number of versions. If you find that a replica has too many versions, you need to reduce the import frequency or stop import and observe whether the number of versions decreases. If the version number still does not decrease after the import is stopped, you need to view the be.INFO log of the corresponding BE node, search for the tablet ID and the Compaction keyword, and check whether the Compaction is running normally.
    The -238 error usually occurs when the amount of data imported in the same batch is too large, resulting in too many segment files for a tablet (the default is 200, controlled by the BE parameter max_segment_num_per_rowset). At this time, it is recommended to reduce the amount of data imported in a batch, or appropriately increase the BE configuration parameter value to solve the problem.

    tablet 110309738 has few replicas: 1, alive backends: [10003]

    This error can occur during a query or import operation. Usually, it means that an exception has occurred in the corresponding tablet replica. In this case, you can first check whether the BE node is down, for example, the isAlive field is false, or the LastStartTime is a recent time (indicating that it has been restarted recently). If BE is down, you need to submit a ticket to Contact Us for troubleshooting. If no BE node is down, you need to use the show tablet 110309738 statement and then execute the show proc in the result statement to view the status of each tablet replica for further troubleshooting.

    disk xxxxx on backend xxx exceed limit usage

    Usually, it appears in operations such as Import and Alter. This error means that the usage of the disk of the corresponding BE exceeds the threshold (95% by default). In this case, you can first execute the show backends command, where MaxDiskUsedPct shows the disk with the highest utilization on the corresponding BE. If it exceeds 95%, this error will be reported. You can choose to manually delete some data to free up the space or scale out the cloud disk to solve this problem. If the disk utilization increases exceptionally, you can submit a ticket Contact Us for troubleshooting.

    -214 Error

    When performing operations such as import and query, you may encounter the following errors:
    failed to initialize storage reader. tablet=63416.1050661139.aa4d304e7a7aff9c-f0fa7579928c85a0, res=-214, backend=
    The -214 error means that the data version for the corresponding tablet is missing. For example, the above error indicates that the data version of the replica of tablet 63416 on BE is missing. (There may be other similar error codes, which can be troubleshot and repaired in the following way). Usually, if your data has multiple replicas, the system will automatically repair the problematic replicas. You can perform troubleshooting by following these steps:
    1. By using the show tablet 63416 statement and executing the result show proc xxx statement, you can view the status of each replica of the corresponding tablet. Usually, we need to care about the data in the Version column. Normally, the versions of multiple replicas of a tablet should be the same, and it is the same as the VisibleVersion version of the corresponding partition.
    2. You can use show partitions from tblx to view the corresponding partition version (the partition corresponding to the tablet can be found in the show tablet statement.)
    3. You can also visit the URL (open it in the browser) in CompactionStatus column of the show proc statement to view the concrete version information and find out which versions are lost. If there has been no automatic repair for a long time, you need to use the show proc "/cluster_balance" statement to view the tablet repair and scheduling tasks currently being executed by the system. This may be because there are a large number of tablets waiting to be scheduled, resulting in a lengthy repair time. You can follow the records in pending_tablets and running_tablets.
    4. Furthermore, you can use the admin repair statement to specify a table or partition to be repaired first. For details, see help admin repair.
    If the problem still cannot be fixed, then in the case of multiple replicas, we can execute the admin set replica status command to force the problematic replica to go offline. For details, see help admin set replica status for the example of setting the replica status to bad. (After being set to bad, the replica will no longer be visited. But before the operation, ensure that other replicas are normal).

    Not connected to yet, server_id=384

    This error may be encountered when users import or query. If you check the corresponding BE log, you may also find similar errors. This is an RPC error, and there are two possible causes:
    1. The corresponding BE node is down.
    2. RPC is congested or other errors occur.
    If the BE node is down, you need to check the specific cause of the downtime. Here are some suggestions for solving the problem of RPC congestion: One case is OVERCROWDED, which means that the RPC source has a large amount of unsent data that exceeds the threshold.
    1. brpc_socket_max_unwritten_bytes: The default value is 1 GB. If the unsent data exceeds this value, an error will be reported. This value can be modified appropriately to avoid OVERCROWDED errors. (But this is only a temporary solution and congestion still occurs).
    2. tablet_writer_ignore_eovercrowded: The default value is false. If it is set to true, OVERCROWDED errors during import will be ignored. This parameter is mainly used to avoid import failure and improve import stability.
    The second case is that the rpc packet size exceeds max_body_size. This problem may occur if the query contains a very large string type or a bitmap type. This can be avoided by modifying the following BE parameters: brpc_max_body_size: The default value is 3 GB.
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