tencent cloud


S3 Load ( Cloud Object Storage, COS)

Last updated: 2024-06-27 10:56:08
    Doris can directly import data from online storage systems that support the S3 protocol.
    This document mainly introduces how to import data stored in Tencent Cloud COS (compatible with the S3 protocol). It also supports the import of other COS systems that support the S3 protocol, such as AWS S3, Baidu Cloud's BOS, and Alibaba Cloud's OSS.

    Applicable Scenario

    The source data is in storage systems that support the S3 protocol, such as COS, S3, BOS, and OSS, etc.
    The data volume ranges from tens to hundreds of GB.


    1. Prepare AWS_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SECRET_KEY. First, you need to find or add the Tencent Cloud access Key. The path is: search for the access Key in Tencent Cloud, use the existing Key, or click New Key. Then access the SecretId and SecretKey. SecretId is AWS_ACCESS_KEY, SecretKey is AWS_SECRET_KEY, as shown below:
    2. Prepare the REGION and ENDPOINT. The REGION can be chosen during bucket creation or viewed from the bucket list, related to the bucket's located region, such as ap-beijing, and ap-guangzhou. The format of the ENDPOINT is https://cos.<REGION>.myqcloud.com. For other cloud Storage systems, you can find S3-compatible information in their respective documentation.

    Starting Import

    The import method is basically the same as Broker Load(HDFS Data), you only need to replace the WITH BROKER broker_name () statement with the following part:
    WITH S3
    "AWS_ENDPOINT" = "http://cos.<REGION>.myqcloud.com",
    Below is a complete sample:
    LOAD LABEL example_db.exmpale_label_1
    DATA INFILE("s3://your_bucket_name/your_path/your_file.txt")
    INTO TABLE load_test
    WITH S3
    "AWS_ENDPOINT" = "http://cos.<REGION>.myqcloud.com",
    "timeout" = "3600"


    S3 SDK uses virtual-hosted style by default. However, some COS systems may not have activated or support access via the virtual-hosted style. In this case, we can add the use_path_style parameter to force the use of the path style:
    WITH S3
    "AWS_ENDPOINT" = "http://cos.<REGION>.myqcloud.com",
    "AWS_REGION" = "<REGION>",
    "use_path_style" = "true"
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