Configuration Item | Note |
Billing Mode | Pay-as-you-go, where you can apply for resources for on-demand use and receive a bill every hour. You will be charged based on actual usage at the time of settlement. |
Region | Currently, Tencent Cloud TCHouse-D supports regions such as Hong Kong (China), Singapore, Frankfurt, Silicon Valley, Bangkok, and Virginia. We recommend selecting a region closest to your business needs. Once a region is selected, it cannot be changed after purchase. |
Availability Zone (AZ) | Select AZs in different regions as needed on the purchase page. |
Network | A VPC is an isolated, highly secure, and dedicated network environment. You can create or select an existing VPC network and subnet. |
High Availability | You can choose to enable the high-availability read-write pattern: In the non-high-availability pattern, only 1 FE will be deployed. It is not recommended for production environments, especially for online queries or real-time read-write scenarios In the high-availability read pattern, at least 3 FEs will be deployed. One FE node is a follower, and the other two FE nodes are observers (achieving the high availability read of the cluster) High-availability read-write: At least 5 FEs are deployed, of which 3 FE nodes are followers (achieving high availability write of the cluster), and the other two FE nodes are observers (achieving high availability read of the cluster) |
Compute Node Type | There are two types of compute nodes: Standard: 4-core 16 GB, 8-core 32 GB, 16-core 64 GB, 24-core 96 GB, 32-core 128 GB, 48-core 192 GB, 64-core 256 GB High-performance-type whose specifications include: 16-core 64 GB, 32-core 128 GB, 64-core 256 GB |
Table Name Case Sensitivity | Table name case can't be modified after configuration, and it provides three patterns: Case Sensitivity Case-insensitive, stored as specified and compared in lowercase Case-insensitive, convert all table names to lowercase for storage |
Cloud Disk Encryption | Cloud Disk Encryption is a free feature that effectively protects your data privacy, meets security and compliance requirements, requires no adjustments to business code(There will be 10% to 20% performance loss). Encryption can only be set at the time of purchase, supports only cloud disks (not local disks), and encrypted and unencrypted disks cannot be converted. |
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