tencent cloud


API Category

Last updated: 2021-02-09 11:27:41

Direct Connect APIs

API Name Feature
AcceptDirectConnectTunnel Accepts an application for a dedicated tunnel
ApplyInternetAddress Applies for an internet tunnel’s IP address
CreateDirectConnect Applies for a connection
CreateDirectConnectTunnel Creates a dedicated tunnel
DeleteDirectConnect Deletes a connection
DeleteDirectConnectTunnel Deletes a dedicated tunnel
DescribeAccessPoints Queries connection access points
DescribeDirectConnectTunnels Queries the list of dedicated tunnels
DescribeDirectConnects Queries the list of connections
DescribeInternetAddress Obtains the public IP address of an internet tunnel
DescribeInternetAddressQuota Obtains the public IP quota of internet tunnels
DescribeInternetAddressStatistics Obtains the public IP address statistics of internet tunnels
DisableInternetAddress Disables a public IP address of internet tunnels
EnableInternetAddress Enables a public IP address for internet tunnels
ModifyDirectConnectAttribute Modifies connection attributes
ModifyDirectConnectTunnelAttribute Modifies the dedicated tunnel attributes
RejectDirectConnectTunnel Rejects an application for a dedicated tunnel
ReleaseInternetAddress Releases an IP address of internet tunnels
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