tencent cloud


Creating a Virtual Network Device of Equinix

Last updated: 2024-11-05 09:46:38
If your Equinix Fabric account does not have a port in the region to be connected, follow the steps in this document to create a virtual device.
If your Equinix Fabric account has a port in the region to be connected, you can skip this document and directly "Create a Connection from Equinix to AWS Cloud".


You already have an Equinix Fabric account.
If you do not have an account, you can contact sales personnel via the Equinix page or create one. If you have any questions about using the page, you can contact Equinix sales personnel for guidance or reach out to Equinix Online Service for support.


Placing an Order on the Equinix Side

1. Log in to Equinix Fabric.
2. Select Create Virtual Device from the Network Edge menu.

3. Select the supplier and device type on the Vendor Package page and click Select and Continue (it is recommended to use Cisco 8,000 V virtual router, which provides a standard configuration process).

4. Select the deployment type on the Deployment Type page and click Begin Creating Edge Devices.

5. Select the device region on the Location page and click Next: Device Details.

6. On the Device Details page, configure the detailed information of the device by selecting Device Resources, Software Package and Software Version.

In the pop-up area below, fill in the Device Name, Host Name, Domain Name, etc., and click Next: Additional Services.

7. Configure extra services of device access, access control list template, etc. on the Additional Services page, and click Next: Review.

8. Confirm the device information on the Review and Submit page and click Review and Accept Order Terms to review the order terms in the pop-up text box. After reading and understanding these terms, check I have read and understand these terms and click Accept. Then click Create Virtual Device. The virtual device will be created.

Viewing Status of the Virtual Device

1. Select Virtual Device Inventory from the Network Edge menu.

2. On the Virtual Device List page, you can filter target devices by supplier and check the effective status of the device.

Issuing Configuration

1. Enter the virtual device interface to view the two ports corresponding to connection. For example, for the connection to Tencent Cloud, the port GigabitEthernet3 of the virtual device will be used, and for the connection to AWS Cloud, the port GigabitEthernet10 will be used.

2. Log in to the virtual device of Equinix through the local and remote SSH.

3. After logging in to the virtual device through the remote SSH, manual configuration of the Layer 3 interconnection is required, and the configuration templates and examples are as follows:

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