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Direct Connect
Managing Connections
Last updated: 2024-11-05 09:40:19
Managing Connections
Last updated: 2024-11-05 09:40:19
After the connection is running, you can view or delete the connection, modify its bandwidth, add tags, or perform other operations in the console.

Viewing the Connection

1. Log in to the Direct Connect console and click Connections on the left sidebar.
2. In the list, click the ID/Name of the connection that you want to view.
3. The Basic info tab displays the connection details, including connection provider, port type, access point, bandwidth, and other information.

Modifying the Connection Bandwidth

You can change the connection bandwidth in the console to meet your business requirements.
1. Log in to the Direct Connect console and click Connections on the left sidebar.
2. Locate the target connection, and click

under the Bandwidth column.
3. Specify a new bandwidth value in the edit box and click OK.
If no dedicated tunnel is created, the connection bandwidth should be no less than 1 Mbps, and cannot exceed the port bandwidth.
If there are dedicated tunnels created, the connection bandwidth should be no less than the total bandwidth caps of all tunnels, and cannot exceed the port bandwidth.
The maximum port bandwidth varies with port types as follows:
1 Gbps electronic port: 1,000 Mbps
1 Gbps fiber optic port: 1,000 Mbps
10 Gbps fiber optic port: 10,000 Mbps
100 Gbps fiber optic port: 100,000 Mbps

Adding Tags

To easily locate and manage the connections under your account, perform the following steps to add tags to your connections.
1. Log in to the Direct Connect console and click Connections on the left sidebar.
2. Select the connection to which a tag is added, and click Edit Tags in the Operation column.
3. Select a tag key and tag value in the corresponding drop-down list. You can also click Manage Tags to create a tag.
4. Use a tag to locate the connection.
5. Click the edit box in the upper-right corner of the Connections page, and select Tag in the drop-down list.
6. Enter the tag in the edit box and click the magnifying glass icon.
7. Use a tag to manage the connections.
8. Click

in the upper-right corner of the Connections page.
9. In the pop-up window, select the target tags, and click OK. Then the tag keys will appear in the connection list.

Deleting a Connection

You can delete a connection when you no longer need it.
1. Log in to the Direct Connect console and click Connections on the left sidebar.
2. Select the connection to delete, and click Delete in the Operation column.
3. In the pop-up window, check Confirm Deletion and click Confirm.
The port monthly rental fees will no longer incur.
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