Dear user,
To facilitate reasonable use of Direct Connect gateway resources and reduce quota consumption of Direct Connect, Direct Connect will start to automatically clear gateway resources meeting one of the following conditions from 15:00 on October 30, 2022:
Resources created more than 180 days ago.
Resources not bound to a dedicated tunnel for over 90 consecutive days.
Resources generating no business traffic for over 90 consecutive days.
This operation will not affect your business. To continue using such gateways, log in to the Direct Connect Gateway console to bind tunnels as needed before 15:00 on October 30, 2022.
In addition, a clearance notification will be triggered if a Direct Connect gateway meets one of the above conditions, and the gateway will be cleared automatically after 30 days. Possible Impact
This has no impact on the business and billing.
Can cleared gateways be recovered?
A Direct Connect gateway cannot be recovered once cleared, and if needed, a new one needs to be created.
How is the clearance time calculated if a tunnel is bound and then unbound?
A gateway will be cleared 90 days after the last unbinding time.