tencent cloud


Trigger Event Message Structure Summary

Last updated: 2024-12-02 19:58:17
    This document summarizes the message structures of all trigger events that are connected to SCF. For more information on trigger configuration and restrictions, see Trigger Management.
    The event structure of the input parameter passed in by a trigger has been partially defined and can be used directly. You can get and use the Java library through the Java Cloud Event Definition or the Go library through the Go Cloud Event Definition.

    Event Message Structure of Integration Request for API Gateway Trigger

    When an API Gateway trigger receives a request, event data will be sent to the bound function in JSON format as shown below. For more information, see API Gateway Trigger.
    "requestContext": {
    "serviceId": "service-f94sy04v",
    "path": "/test/{path}",
    "httpMethod": "POST",
    "requestId": "c6af9ac6-****-****-9a41-93e8deadbeef",
    "identity": {
    "secretId": "abdcdxxxxxxxsdfs"
    "sourceIp": "",
    "stage": "release"
    "headers": {
    "Accept-Language": "en-US,en,cn",
    "Accept": "text/html,application/xml,application/json",
    "Host": "service-3ei3tii4-251000691.ap-guangzhou.apigateway.myqloud.com",
    "User-Agent": "User Agent String"
    "body": "{\\"test\\":\\"body\\"}",
    "pathParameters": {
    "path": "value"
    "queryStringParameters": {
    "foo": "bar"
    "Refer": ""
    "stageVariables": {
    "stage": "release"
    "path": "/test/value",
    "queryString": {
    "foo" : "bar",
    "bob" : "alice"
    "httpMethod": "POST"

    Event Message Structure for Timer Trigger

    When a function is invoked at a scheduled time, event data will be sent to the bound function in JSON format as shown below.
    "Message":"user define msg body"

    Event Message Structure for COS Trigger

    When an object creation or deletion event occurs in the specified COS bucket, event data will be sent to the bound function in JSON format as shown below. For more information, see COS Trigger.
    "Records": [{
    "cos": {
    "cosSchemaVersion": "1.0",
    "cosObject": {
    "url": "http://testpic-1253970026.cos.ap-chengdu.myqcloud.com/testfile",
    "meta": {
    "x-cos-request-id": "NWMxOWY4MGFfMjViMjU4NjRfMTUy********ZjM=",
    "Content-Type": ""
    "vid": "",
    "key": "/1253970026/testpic/testfile",
    "size": 1029
    "cosBucket": {
    "region": "cd",
    "name": "testpic",
    "appid": "1253970026"
    "cosNotificationId": "unkown"
    "event": {
    "eventName": "cos:ObjectCreated:*",
    "eventVersion": "1.0",
    "eventTime": 1545205770,
    "eventSource": "qcs::cos",
    "requestParameters": {
    "requestSourceIP": "",
    "requestHeaders": {
    "Authorization": "q-sign-algorithm=******"
    "eventQueue": "qcs:0:lambda:cd:appid/1253970026:default.printevent.$LATEST",
    "reservedInfo": "",
    "reqid": 179398952

    Event Message Structure for CKafka Trigger

    When a specified CKafka topic receives a message, the backend consumption module of SCF will consume the message and encapsulate it into an event in JSON format like the one below, which will trigger the bound function and pass the data content as input parameters to the function. For more information, see CKafka Trigger.
    "Records": [
    "Ckafka": {
    "topic": "test-topic",
    "msgKey": "None",
    "msgBody": "Hello from Ckafka!"
    "Ckafka": {
    "topic": "test-topic",
    "msgKey": "None",
    "msgBody": "Hello from Ckafka again!"

    Event Message Structure for CLS Trigger

    When the specified CLS trigger receives a message, the CLS backend consumption module will consume the message and encapsulate it to asynchronously invoke your function. In order to ensure the efficiency of data transfer in a single triggering action, the value of the data field is a Base64-encoded ZIP document. For more information, see CLS Trigger.
    "clslogs": {
    "data": "ewogICAgIm1lc3NhZ2VUeXBlIjogIkRBVEFfTUVTU0FHRSIsCiAgICAib3duZXIiOiAiMTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyIiwKICAgICJsb2dHcm91cCI6I..."
    After being decoded and decompressed, the log data will look like the following JSON body (using decoded CLS Logs message data as an example):
    "topic_id": "xxxx-xx-xx-xx-yyyyyyyy",
    "topic_name": "testname",
    "records": [{
    "timestamp": "1605578090000000",
    "content": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    }, {
    "timestamp": "1605578090000003",
    "content": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

    Event Message Structure for MPS Trigger

    When a specified MPS trigger receives a message, the event structures and fields will be as shown below (with the WorkflowTask task as an example). For more information, see MPS Trigger.
    "Message":"TencentVodPlatErr Or Unkown",

    Event Message Structure for CLB Trigger

    When a CLB trigger receives a request, event data will be sent to the bound function in JSON format as shown below. For more information, see CLB Trigger Description.
      "headers": { 
        "Content-type": "application/json",  
        "Host": "test.clb-scf.com",  
        "User-Agent": "Chrome",  
        "X-Stgw-Time": "1591692977.774",  
        "X-Client-Proto": "http",  
        "X-Forwarded-Proto": "http",  
        "X-Client-Proto-Ver": "HTTP/1.1",  
      "X-Real-IP": "",
        "X-Forwarded-For": "9.43.175.xx"  
        "X-Vip": "121.23.21.xx",  
        "X-Vport": "xx",  
        "X-Uri": "/scf_location",  
        "X-Method": "POST"    
        "X-Real-Port": "44347",  
      "payload": {  
        "key1": "123",  
        "key2": "abc"  
    "isBase64Encoded": "false"

    Event Message Structure for EventBridge Trigger

    With EventBridge, you can further expand the function event trigger sources and send events generated by EventBridge to SCF in the following form, where the content of the "data" field is determined by the event source. Here, TDMQ is used as an example:
    "specversion": "0",
    "id": "13a3f42d-7258-4ada-da6d-023a33******",
    "type": "connector:tdmq",
    "source": "tdmq.cloud.tencent",
    "subjuect": "qcs::tdmq:$region:$account:topicName/$topicSets.clusterId/$topicSets.environmentId/$topicSets.topicName/$topicSets.subscriptionName",
    "time": "1615430559146",
    "region": "ap-guangzhou",
    "datacontenttype": "application/json;charset=utf-8",
    "data": {
    "topic": "persistent://appid/namespace/topic-1",
    "tags": "testtopic",
    "TopicType": "0",
    "subscriptionName": "xxxxxx",
    "toTimestamp": "1603352765001",
    "partitions": "0",
    "msgId": "123345346",
    "msgBody": "Hello from TDMQ!"
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