{"RequestId": "b615b896-d197-47d7-8919-xxx","ErrorCode": -1,"ErrorMessage": "Traceback (most recent call last):\\n File \\"/var/user/index.py\\", line 5, in main_handler\\n if 'key1' in event.keys():\\nNameError: global name 'event' is not defined","Body": {"AppId": xxx,"Uin": "xxx","SubAccountUin": "xxx","RequestSource": "TRIGGER_TIMER","FunctionName": "tabortest","Namespace": "default","Qualifier": "$DEFAULT","InvocationType": "RequestResponse","ClientContext": "{\\"Type\\":\\"Timer\\",\\"TriggerName\\":\\"tabortimer\\",\\"Time\\":\\"2020-10-10T01:22:00Z\\",\\"Message\\":\\"\\"}","LogType": "","TimeStampForInvoker": "160229310xxx","RequestId": "b615b896-d197-47d7-8919-xxx","PushTime": "2020-10-10T09:22:00.061824591+08:00","RetryNum": 2,"Ttl": 0}}
Structure | Content |
AppId | APPID. |
Uin | Root account ID. |
SubAccountUin | Sub-account ID of the creator (this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained). |
RequestSource | Trigger request source. |
FunctionName | Function name. |
Namespace | Namespace. |
Qualifier | Version/Alias of the trigger function. |
ClientContext | Parameters used to run the function, which are passed in JSON format. For the maximum parameter length, please see Limits. |
TimeStampForInvoker | The millisecond timestamp when the function is invoked. |
RequestId | Unique ID of request. Each request returns a unique ID. The RequestId is required to troubleshoot issues. |
PushTime | Time when the message is pushed to CMQ. |
RetryNum | Number of retries (0–2). |
Ttl | Retention time of the async queue event. |
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