tencent cloud


SDK Documentation

Last updated: 2024-12-02 16:29:12

    Preparations for Development

    Before installing the SDK and using TencentCloud API for the first time, you need to apply for security credentials in the Tencent Cloud console, which consists of SecretId and SecretKey. SecretId is used to identify the API requester, while SecretKey is a key used for signature string encryption and authentication by the server. Please keep your SecretKey private and avoid disclosure.

    Installing SDK


    The commonly used APIs of SCF are as follows. For more APIs, please see the API documentation.
    Creates function
    Deletes function
    Gets function details
    Executes function
    Gets function list
    Updates function code
    Updates function configuration

    Use Cases

    Take Python3.6 as an example:
    # -*- coding: utf8 -*-
    import json
    from tencentcloud.common import credential
    from tencentcloud.common.exception.tencent_cloud_sdk_exception import TencentCloudSDKException
    # Import the client models of the corresponding product module
    from tencentcloud.scf.v20180416 import scf_client,models
    # API name of the corresponding API
    action = 'Invoke'
    # API parameter. Enter the name of the function to be invoked, `RequestResponse` (sync), and `Event` (async)
    action_params = {
    'FunctionName': "function-name",
    'InvocationType': "Event"
    print('Start SCF')
    def main_handler(event, context):
    # Instantiate an authentication object. The Tencent Cloud account `secretId` and `secretKey` need to be passed in as the input parameters
    cred = credential.Credential("SecretId", "SecretKey")
    # Instantiate the client object to request the product and the region where the function is located
    client = scf_client.ScfClient(cred, "ap-shanghai")
    # Call the API, initiate the request, and print the returned result
    ret = client.call(action, action_params)
    except TencentCloudSDKException as err:
    Take Node.js12.16 as an example:
    If you use the SDK in a layer, please specify the absolute path in the code, i.e., /opt/node_modules/tencentcloud-sdk-nodejs.
    'use strict';
    const tencentcloud = require("/var/user/node_modules/tencentcloud-sdk-nodejs");
    // Import the client models of the corresponding product module
    const ScfClient = tencentcloud.scf.v20180416.Client;
    const models = tencentcloud.scf.v20180416.Models;
    const clientConfig = {
    // Tencent Cloud authentication information
    credential: {
    secretId: "secretId",
    secretKey: "secretKey",
    // Product region
    region: "ap-beijing",
    exports.main_handler = (event, context) => {
    // console.log(context)
    // Instantiate the client object to request the product and the region where the function is located
    const client = new ScfClient(clientConfig);
    console.log("Start SCF")
    // Call the API you want to access through the client object; you need to pass in the request object and the response callback function
    client.Invoke({"FunctionName":"function-name","InvocationType":"Event"}, function(err, response) {
    // The request returns an exception and the exception information is printed
    if (err) {
    // The request is returned normally, and the `response` object is printed

    Usage sample of SCF's built-in SDK

    The version of the built-in tencentcloud-sdk-nodejs varies by Node.js runtime environment version. For more information, please see Notes on Node.js.
    Take Node.js12.16 as an example:
    'use strict';
    const tencentcloud = require("tencentcloud-sdk-nodejs");
    const Credential = tencentcloud.common.Credential;
    // Import the client models of the corresponding product module
    const ScfClient = tencentcloud.scf.v20180416.Client;
    const models = tencentcloud.scf.v20180416.Models;
    exports.main_handler = (event, context) = {
    // console.log(context)
    // Instantiate an authentication object. The Tencent Cloud account `secretId` and `secretKey` need to be passed in as the input parameters
    let cred = new Credential("SecretId", "SecretKey");
    // Instantiate the client object to request the product and the region where the function is located
    let client = new ScfClient(cred, "ap-beijing");
    // Instantiate a request object and call `invoke()`
    console.log("Start SCF")
    let request = new models.InvokeRequest();
    // API parameter. Enter the name of the function to be invoked, `RequestResponse` (sync), and `Event` (async)
    let params = '{"FunctionName":"function-name", "InvocationType":"Event"}'
    // Call the API you want to access through the client object; you need to pass in the request object and the response callback function
    client.Invoke(request, function(err, response) {
    // The request returns an exception and the exception information is printed
    if (err) {
    // The request is returned normally, and the `response` object is printed
    require_once '/var/user/tencentcloud-sdk-php/TCloudAutoLoader.php'; # Pay attention to the import path
    use TencentCloud\\Common\\Credential;
    use TencentCloud\\Common\\Profile\\ClientProfile;
    use TencentCloud\\Common\\Profile\\HttpProfile;
    use TencentCloud\\Common\\Exception\\TencentCloudSDKException;
    use TencentCloud\\Scf\\V20180416\\ScfClient;
    use TencentCloud\\Scf\\V20180416\\Models\\InvokeRequest;
    function main_handler($event, $context) {
    print "good";
    print "\\n";
    try {
    // Instantiate an authentication object. The Tencent Cloud account `secretId` and `secretKey` need to be passed in as the input parameters
    $cred = new Credential("SecretId", "SecretKey");
    $httpProfile = new HttpProfile();
    $clientProfile = new ClientProfile();
    // Instantiate the client object to request the product and the region where the function is located
    $client = new ScfClient($cred, "ap-shanghai", $clientProfile);
    $req = new InvokeRequest();
    // API parameter. Enter the name of the function to be invoked, `RequestResponse` (sync), and `Event` (async)
    $params = '{"FunctionName":"function-name", "InvocationType":"Event"}';
    $resp = $client->Invoke($req);
    catch(TencentCloudSDKException $e) {
    echo $e;
    return "hello";

    Packaging and Deployment

    If you need to deploy a function in the SCF console and use the SDK to invoke other functions, you need to package the tencentcloud library and function code together into a zip file.
    Please note that the execution method specified when the function is created in the console must correspond to the code file and execution function in the zip file.
    If the generated zip package is larger than 50 MB, it should be uploaded through COS.
    The default call rate limit for TencentCloud API is 20 calls per second. If you need to increase the limit for high concurrence, please submit a ticket for application.

    API Explorer

    API Explorer provides various capabilities such as online call, signature verification, SDK code generation, and quick API search, greatly improving the ease of use of TencentCloud API.

    Relevant Information

    You can also use Tencent SCF SDK (Tencentserverless SDK), which integrates SCF business flow APIs to simplify the function invocation method and eliminates your need to encapsulate public TencentCloud APIs. For more information, please see Calling SDK Across Functions.
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