After creating a function, you can directly test it in the following ways to understand the function execution conditions and check the code execution process.
Test Events and Templates
Functions are executed in an event-triggered method. Different triggers pass different event data structures when they trigger functions. The function testing method is to trigger the function by sending a simulated test event.
The SCF console provides the following event templates to simulate corresponding events:
Hello World event template: it contains simple data structure and content that can be used to trigger functions created by the hello world template.
COS file event template: it simulates file upload/deletion events in COS.
CMQ topic event template: it simulates message receiving events in a CMQ topic.
API Gateway event template: it simulates API request receiving events in API Gateway.
CKafka event template: it simulates message receiving events in a CKafka topic.
By clicking Change on the template management page in the console, you can change the currently used test template to another system-defined or custom template. For more information on message structures in event templates, please see Trigger Event Message Structure Summary. Custom Template Configuration and Usage
In addition to the system-provided event templates, you can create more custom templates. By clicking Configure on the template management page in the console, you can modify an existing template and save it as a custom template, or directly enter a test event designed by yourself and save it as a custom template.
When using the test event template feature, you need to pay attention to the following:
The test event template name can contain letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores and must begin with a letter.
On the same page, the created custom test templates can be deleted if they are no longer needed.
Up to five custom test templates can be configured for one single function. After the limit is reached, to configure a new one, please first delete an old one that is no longer in use.
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