tencent cloud


Getting Log Topic Information

Last updated: 2020-05-21 14:20:23

    Feature Description

    This API is used to get the log topic information.


    Sample request

    GET /topic?topic_id=xxxx-xx-xx-xx-yyyyyyyy HTTP/1.1
    Host: <Region>.cls.tencentyun.com
    Authorization: <AuthorizationString>

    Request line

    GET /topic

    Request header

    There are only common request headers but no special request headers.

    Request parameters

    Field Name Type Location Required Description
    topic_id string query Yes ID of the topic to be queried


    Sample response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
    Content-Length: 123
        "logset_id": "xxxx-xx-xx-xx-xxxxxxxx",
        "topic_id": "xxxx-xx-xx-xx-yyyyyyyy",
        "topic_name": "testname",
        "partition_count": "1",
        "path": "/abc/log/test.log",
        "wild_path": "/data/nginx/log/**/access.log",
        "collection": true,
        "index": true,
        "log_type": "delimiter_log",
        "extract_rule": {
            "time_key": "date",
            "time_format": "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
            "delimiter": "|",
            "log_regex": ".*",
            "beginning_regex": "^",
            "keys": ["date", "", "content"],
            "filter_keys": [],
            "filter_regex": []
        "assumer_uin": 1000088888,
        "assumer_name": "xxxxxx",
        "topic_modify_acl": 31,
        "topic_show_acl": 31,
        "create_time": "2017-08-08 12:12:12"

    Response header

    There are only common response headers but no special response headers.

    Response parameters

    Field Name Type Required Description
    logset_id string Yes Logset ID
    topic_id string Yes Log topic ID
    topic_name string Yes Log topic name
    partition_count int Yes Number of topic partitions
    path string Yes Path of legacy log file
    wild_path string Yes Path of new wildcard log file. File directory and filename as separated by /**/. Either this parameter or the legacy path parameter can exist
    collection bool Yes Whether to enable collection
    index bool Yes Whether to enable index
    log_type string Yes Type of log to be collected. json_log: log in JSON format, delimiter_log: log in delimited format, minimalist_log: log in single-line format, multiline_log: log in multi-line format, fullregex_log: log in full regex format
    extract_rule JsonObject Yes Extraction rule
    machine_group JsonObject Yes Collection server group information
    assumer_uin uint64 No uin of the service that creates the topic (this field is present only when a general account views the topics created by a service account)
    assumer_name string No Name of the service that creates the topic (this field is present only when a general account views the topics created by a service account)
    topic_modify_acl int No General user's permission to modify topics, i.e., modify_acl (0B00000: modification prohibited, 0B00001: modification allowed for basic information, 0B00010: modification allowed for collection information, 0B00100: modification allowed for index information, 0B01000: modification allowed for shipping information, 0B10000: modification allowed for consumption information) (this field is present only when a general account views the topics created by a service account)
    topic_show_acl int No General user's permission to show topics, i.e., show_acl (0B00000: show nothing, 0B00001: show basic information, 0B00010: show collection information, 0B00100: show index information, 0B01000: show shipping information, 0B10000: show consumption information)
    create_time string No Creation time

    extract_rule is in the following format:

    Field Name Type Required Description
    time_key string No Time field key name
    time_format string No Time field format. For more information, please see the time format description of the strftime function in C language
    delimiter string No Delimiter for delimited log
    log_regex string No Matching rule for logs in full regex format
    beginning_regex string No Line beginning matching rule for multi-line logs
    keys JsonArray(string) No Key name of each extracted field
    filter_keys JsonArray(string) No Log keys to be filtered
    filter_regex JsonArray(string) No Values corresponding to the above filter_keys field. The number of values is the same as that of keys in filter_keys. The values are in one-to-one correspondence to the keys

    Error Codes

    For more information, please see Error Codes.

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