tencent cloud


Creating Shipping Task

Last updated: 2020-07-02 16:42:28


    This API is used to create a shipping task. When using this API, you need to manually grant CLS the permission to write to the specified bucket.


    Request samples

    POST /shipper HTTP/1.1
    Host: <Region>.cls.tencentyun.com
    Authorization: <AuthorizationString>
    Content-Type: application/json
      "topic_id": "xxxx-xx-xx-xx-xxxxxxxx",
      "bucket": "test-1250000001",
      "prefix": "test",
      "shipper_name": "myname",
      "interval": 300,
      "max_size": 100,
      "partition": "%Y%m%d",
      "compress": {
        "format": "none"
      "content": {
        "format": "csv",
        "csv_info": {
          "print_key": true,
          "keys": ["key1", "key2"],
          "delimiter": "|",
          "escape_char": "'",
          "non_existing_field": "null"

    Request line

    POST /shipper

    Request headers

    No special request header is used except for the common header.

    Request parameters

    Field Name Type Location Required Description
    topic_id string body Yes ID of the topic to which the shipping task to be created belongs
    bucket string body Yes Shipping bucket of the shipping task to be created. Format: {bucketName}-{appid}
    prefix string body Yes Prefix of the shipping directory of the shipping task to be created
    shipper_name string body Yes Shipping rule name
    interval int body No Shipping interval in seconds. Default: 300. Valid values: [300, 360, 420, 480, 540, 600, 660, 720, 780, 840, 900] (equal to integer minutes)
    max_size int body No The maximum size of a file to be shipped (in MB). Default is 100 MB. Value range: 100-256
    partition string body No Rules for partitioning logs to be shipped. Strftime can be used to define the time format.
    compress object body No Compression configuration of logs to be shipped
    content object body No Format configuration of logs to be shipped

    compress is composed as follows:

    Field Name Type Required Description
    format string Yes Compression format, including gzip, lzop and none (do not compress).

    content is composed as follows:

    Field Name Type Required Description
    format string Yes Content format, which supports json and csv.
    csv_info object No Required when the content format is csv

    csv_info is composed as follows:

    Field Name Type Required Description
    print_key bool Yes Indicates whether to write the first line of key to the csv file
    keys array(string) Yes Key name of each column
    delimiter string Yes The separator between fields
    escape_char string Yes Escape characters are used to enclose the separators contained in a field.
    non_existing_field string Yes It is used to populate the fields specified above that do not exist or are invalid.


    Response sample

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
    Content-Length: 0
     "shipper_id": "xxxx-xx-xx-xx-xxxxxxxx",

    Response headers

    No special response header is used except for the common response header.

    Response parameters

    Field Name Type Required Description
    shipper_id string Yes ID of the new shipping task

    Error Codes

    For more information, see Error Codes.

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