tencent cloud


Getting Log Topic Shipping List

Last updated: 2020-12-02 19:16:17

    Feature Description

    This API is used to get the detailed list of shipping policies of a specified log topic.


    Sample request

    GET /shippers?topic_id=xxxx-xx-xx-xx-xxxxxxxx HTTP/1.1
    Host: <Region>.cls.tencentyun.com
    Authorization: <Authorization String>

    Request line

    GET /shippers

    Request header

    There are only common request headers but no special request headers.

    Request parameters

    Field Name Type Location Required Description
    topic_id string query Yes Topic ID to the shipper to be queried
    offset int query No Query start position. Default value: 0
    count int query No Number of entries to be queried. Default value: 50. Maximum value: 1000


    Sample response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
    Content-Length: 123
      "shippers": [
        "shipper_id": "xxxx-xx-xx-xx-xxxxxxxx",
        "topic_id": "yyyy-yy-yy-yy-yyyyyyyy",
        "bucket": "test-1250000001",
        "prefix": "test",
        "shipper_name": "myname",
        "interval": 300,
        "max_size": 100,
        "effective": true,
        "partition": "%Y%m%d",
        "compress": {
            "format": "none"
        "content": {
            "format": "json"
        "create_time": "2017-12-12 12:12:12"

    Response header

    There are only common response headers but no special response headers.

    Response parameters

    Field Name Type Required Description
    shippers JsonArray Yes Shipping information array

    ShipperInfo is in the following format:

    Field Name Type Required Description
    shipper_id string Yes Shipper ID
    topic_id string Yes Topic ID of shipping rule
    bucket string Yes Bucket address shipped to
    prefix string Yes Shipping prefix directory
    shipper_name string Yes Shipping rule name
    interval int Yes Shipping time interval in seconds
    max_size int Yes Maximum size of shipped file in MB
    effective bool Yes Whether it is effective
    create_time string Yes Creation time of shipped log
    partition string Yes Partition rule of shipped log, which can be represented in strftime time format
    compress object Yes Compression configuration of shipped log
    content object Yes Format configuration of shipped log content

    compress is in the following format:

    Field Name Type Required Description
    format string Yes Compression format. gzip and lzop are supported, and none indicates no compression

    content is in the following format:

    Field Name Type Required Description
    format string Yes Content format. Valid values: json, csv
    csv_info object No Returned when the content format is csv

    csv_info is in the following format:

    Field Name Type Required Description
    print_key bool Yes Whether to print key on the first row of CSV file
    keys array(string) Yes Names of each keys
    delimiter string Yes Field delimiter
    escape_char string Yes Escape character used to enclose any field delimiter in field content
    non_existing_field string Yes Content used to populate non-existing fields

    Error Codes

    For more information, please see Error Codes.

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