tencent cloud



最終更新日:2024-01-27 17:35:59

    What is Tencent Cloud Observability Platform?

    Tencent Cloud Observability Platform (TCOP) provides you with multi-dimensional statistics monitoring, intelligent data analysis, real-time fault alarms, and customizable report configurations for Tencent Cloud services so that you can oversee the health of your applications and cloud services. This document describes how to use APIs to perform TCOP operations such as pulling monitoring statistics. For more information, see API Category. We recommend that you read Overview and Monitoring Overview before using TCOP APIs.

    What is Custom Tencent Cloud Observability Platform?

    Custom Tencent Cloud Observability Platform is an entry through which you can easily submit monitoring data. Tencent Cloud provides you with a wealth of use cases to help you decide which metrics to submit. You can then use Custom Tencent Cloud Observability Platform to configure and submit the metrics. The submitted data is processed by the powerful Tencent Cloud Custom Tencent Cloud Observability Platform backend and then retained for a period of time for free. During this period, you can generate graphs and charts such as single-instance graphs and multi-day trends. You can also aggregate data by dimension. Custom Tencent Cloud Observability Platform also supports alarms that help you detect exceptions promptly and monitor your applications in real time.

    What is Basic Tencent Cloud Observability Platform?

    Basic Tencent Cloud Observability Platform is the main entry for monitoring and managing all cloud services. You can use it to view comprehensive and detailed monitoring data. Basic Tencent Cloud Observability Platform monitors cloud services including CVM, Cloud Database, and CDN in real time, extracts key metrics and displays them as monitor icons, and supports custom alarm thresholds. It provides you with multi-dimensional data monitoring, intelligent data analysis, real-time fault alarms, and custom data report configurations for cloud services, giving you accurate information on the health of your applications and various cloud services in real time.

    How do I purchase Tencent Cloud Observability Platform?

    You do not have to purchase or enable Tencent Cloud Observability Platform. Instead, it is automatically enabled when you register your Tencent Cloud account. You can use the Tencent Cloud Observability Platform console to query the status of your cloud services and configure alarms after purchasing and configuring cloud services.

    Do CDH instances support Tencent Cloud Observability Platform?


    How do I monitor the memory usage of CVM instances and TencentDB instances?

    2. Click Cloud Virtual Machine or Cloud Database under Cloud Product Monitoring to access the Cloud Product Monitoring page.
    3. Click the monitoring icon of the target instance to query the memory usage of the instance, which can be a CVM or cloud database instance.
    For more information on how to create an alarm for the memory usage of a CVM instance or a cloud database instance, see Alarm Service.

    How do I troubleshoot Tencent Cloud Observability Platform issues?

    For more information on how to troubleshoot Tencent Cloud Observability Platform issues, see Troubleshooting.




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